# caNDyRaVEr(tm) by magnus (for ircII [and compatible] clients) # - some of the code has been used from the LiCe IRC Script. # >> This one goes out to all the cANDyrAvErs(tm) across the nation.. # - Special thanks to: tekniq (because w/o your elite candy raving # self, this may never have been possible! PLUR!) # dont make me hit you with a glow stick # ** v1.2 thanks to cain for more raver speak.. my knowledge is quite limited # (thank god!) # ** v2.0 rewrite of code, added external database file.. easier updates! # ** v2.1 fixed retarded bug, ugh. # ** v2.2 added *fixed* support for BitchX -- why?? *shrug* # ** v2.3 ok, i really fixed BitchX this time -- honest. # ** v3.0 wow, i redesigned into a single alias (unf), and i added mass # kick features.. -requested # ** v3.1 added -s [nick] and -k [nick] back, per request.. # ** v3.2 fly ascii (by me@!), -h added -- |rain| gayrified cR!, scary. # why did I do this? well, because STARMAN did so well.. how it became the # script of choice in #bitchx i'll never understand -- IT WAS A JOKE PEOPLE! # anyway, on with the lameness! # haha # see what you started tekniq # its all good # damn candy kids # imma go rail some E now # now we are going to have a lame candy script running around # and its all yer fault @ cr.v = [v3.2] @ cr.random_phrase = which(cr.phrases) ECHO [cR!] .________________________. ECHO [cR!] | .______.______. .____. |-------------- ------- --- - -- - - eval ECHO [cR!] | : | | | | | version $cr.v, by magnux@EFNet ECHO [cR!] | | |___| |__|_:____| | for command help, type /cr -h ECHO [cR!] | | : | , |____ | ECHO [cR!] | `--.____|--:____|__mG! | greets: tekniq (my muse!) ECHO [cR!] |--[ caNDyRAveR!(tm) ]---|----------- -- ------ - -- -- - -- - ECHO [cR!] `------------------------' ECHO [cR!] @@ pOOF! @@ YoU ArE NoW a CaNdyRavER(tm)!?@ ^ASSIGN crq.buff 200 IF (V) { @ cr.random_phrase = [cr.phrases] ALIAS randread { @ rr.str = [] @ rr.file = which($0) IF ([$rr.file]!=[]) { @ rr.size = fsize($rr.file) IF (rr.size > 0) { @ rr.rand = rand($rr.size) - 1 @ rr.fd = open($rr.file R) IF (rr.rand > 0) { @ read($rr.fd $rr.rand) @ read($rr.fd) } @ rr.str = read($rr.fd) IF (eof($rr.fd) && [$rr.str]==[]) { @ close($rr.fd) @ rr.fd = open($rr.file R) @ rr.str = read($rr.fd) } @ close($rr.fd) } } @ function_return = [$rr.str] purge rr } } ALIAS _proc.crq_add (serv,text) { @ :len = strlen($text) IF ((strlen($quote[$serv]) + len) >= $crq.buff) {_proc.crq_flush $serv} @ quote[$serv] #= text ## chr(13) } ALIAS _proc.crq_flush (serv) { XQUOTE -S $serv $quote[$serv] ^ASSIGN -quote.$serv } ALIAS cr_user_match (chan,mask,list) { @ $list = [] FE ($chanusers($chan)) xx { IF (pattern($mask $xx!$userhost($xx))) {PUSH $list $xx} } } ALIAS _proc.cr_mass (mode,patt) { cr_user_match $strip(\\ $C) $patt temp_list @ temp_list = remw($N $temp_list) FE ($temp_list) nick { SWITCH ($mode) { (+k) {PUSH mass_list $nick} (-k) (-o) {UNLESS (ischanop($nick $strip(\\ $C))) {PUSH mass_list $nick}} } } ^ASSIGN -temp_list } ALIAS _proc.cr_loopk { ^LOCAL kickl $mass_list FE ($kickl) kick1 { if (V) { _proc.crq_add $0 KICK $1 $kick1 :$randread($cr.random_phrase) } } _proc.crq_flush $0 ^ASSIGN -$2 ^ASSIGN -$3 } ALIAS cr { IF (@) { @ :crm_p = strlen($1) ? uhc($1) : [*!*] SWITCH ($0) { (-m) { # @ crm_msg = strlen($2) ? [$2-] : randread($cr.random_phrase) _proc.cr_mass +k $crm_p _proc.cr_loopk $winserv() $strip(\\ $C) mass_list $randread($cr.random_phrase) } (-k) { if ([$1]) { KICK $strip(\\ $C) $1 $randread($cr.random_phrase) }{ ECHO [cR!] usage: /CR <-s|-w|-k> [nick] ECHO [cR!] usage: /CR <-v|-t|-l|-m|-h> } } (-l) { # @ crm_msg = strlen($2) ? [$2-] : randread($cr.random_phrase) _proc.cr_mass -k $crm_p _proc.cr_loopk $winserv() $strip(\\ $C) mass_list $randread($cr.random_phrase) } (-s) { IF ([$1]) { MSG $1 $randread($cr.random_phrase) }{ SEND $randread($cr.random_phrase) } } (-w) { IF ([$1]) { ME nOtiCEs THat $1 isN'T RaViNG LikE a gOoD BoI! It'Z tiME foR a CaNDyrAVeR(tm) AttACK?!@ ^NOTICE $1 *CANDY* $randread($cr.random_phrase) ^NOTICE $1 *RAVER* $randread($cr.random_phrase) ^NOTICE $1 *ATTACK* $randread($cr.random_phrase) } } (-v) { ME eEK! wHy AM I WeARINg THESE FuNNY CLoTHEs?! oH gNO.. iM a CAnDYraVeR(tm)!?@ YAAayAYAYA!? \($cr.v by magnux -- uh oh!\) } (-t) { TOPIC $randread($cr.random_phrase) } (-h) { echo [cR!] cMD: /CR <-flag> echo [cR!] fLaGS: -h uH, ThiS HElP?! :p echo [cR!] -k cR KicK! echo [cR!] -l cR MaSS KiCK! (non-ops) echo [cR!] -m cR MaSS KiCK! (all) echo [cR!] -s [nick] seND raNDoM tEXt to ChaN (or [nick]) echo [cR!] -t raNDoM cR TOPic! echo [cR!] -v dIsPLAy VeRSIoN! echo [cR!] -w cANDyravER AttACK! } } }{ ECHO [cR!] usage: /CR <-s|-w|-k> [nick] ECHO [cR!] usage: /CR <-v|-t|-l|-m|-h> } }