/alias write { msg $0 $chr(133)$chr(141)Message from $1 on $2 at $strftime(%H:%M) ... ^assign str_wdth $strlen($3-) if ( str_wdth < 75 ) { msg $0 $chr(133)$chr(141) $3- }{ @ countnum = 0 while ( countnum = 0 ) { # This should go through the line, inserting a \n at the appropriate # points, hopefully at word boundries. Now to figure out how to do that..... } } msg $0 $chr(133)$chr(141)EOF } # This is just good for harassing a whole channel with names load names.irc alias nwrite { say $chr(133)$chr(141)Message from $tolower($randread($DICTIONARY)) on tty$srand($time())$rand(6) at $strftime(%H:%M) ... say $chr(133)$chr(141)$namef() say $chr(133)$chr(141)EOF } alias echo //echo $sar(g/$chr(133)$chr(141)/?/$*) alias xecho //xecho $sar(g/$chr(133)$chr(141)/?/$*)