#=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= \ KOE / <==|> TerMinAtoR =====- \ KOE / = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= - TerMinAtoR v8.75K by ShaMan - FoR KOE MeMbErS OnLy - = #= = #= =[ Terminator/ExCaliBuR/XCaLiBuR [tm] (c) 1995 by ShaMan ]= = #= = #= =[ shamanic@netcom.com ]= = #= <==|> ExCaLiBuR =====- = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= \ KOE / <==|> TerMinAtoR =====- \ KOE / = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= LEGAL CRAP THAT NEEDS TO BE INCLUDED HERE JUST TO COVER MY ASS! = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= Okay, listen up people. I am NOT responsible for ANY harm this script = #= and/or its use may cause to you and/or any third party, that includes,= #= but is not limited to, property and ANY and ALL things!...This script = #= comes with NO guarantee of any kind, neither expressed nor implied. = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= =[ ATTENTION: DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE THIS SCRIPT TO ANYONE ]= = #= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = #= =[ TerMinAtoR IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF K.O.E. MEMBERS ONLY! ]= = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^set NOVICE OFF ^set EXEC_PROTECTION OFF EVAL //clear -a #=[ Anti-LaMaH Check Routines ]= ::Sigh:: if (ex) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT PhoEniX;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and PhoEniX\!} if (bver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT Byron;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and Byron\!} if (tbvers) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT Textbox;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and Textbox\!} if (ppvers) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT PurePak;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and PurePak\!} if (zvers) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT Zscript;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and ZScript\!} if (ver.num) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT LiCe;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and LiCe\!} if (lvn) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT LiCe;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T|\X and LiCe\!} if (de.version) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT despite;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and despite!} if (rk.ver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT rK;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and rK.scr\!} if (ch.ver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT rK;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and CHAoS\!} if (txcal.ver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL RuLeZ! - Do NOT Load T\|X TwIcE\!;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X TwIcE\!} if (xcal.ver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL RuLeZ! - Do NOT Load T\|X TwIcE\!;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X TwIcE\!} if (V < 19950126) { echo \[WARNING!\] Your IRC client IS an OLDER version than expected. echo \[WARNING!\] Certain TX-EXCAL features may NOT function correctly echo \[WARNING!\] or may NOT function at all. } echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo = @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @ * @ @@@ @ @ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ = echo = * @ * @ @ * @ @@ @@ @ @@ * @ @ * @ @ * @ @ @ * @ = echo = @ @@@ @@@@ *@ @@ @ @ *@ @ @ @@@@@ * @ @ * @ @@@@ * = echo = * @ @ * @ @ @ * @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ = echo = @ @@@@ @ @@ @ @ @@@ @ * @ @ @@@ @ @@@ @ @@ = echo = * * * |\|\|\|\|\/\/|/|/|/|/| * * = echo = * __ * ########## ########## * * = echo = * * / / |||||||||| ========== * * * = echo = * * | | * |||||||||| ========== * * = echo = * / K \ |||||||||| ========== * * * = echo = ([\][\][\][\] KOE |XX| |||||||| |XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> = echo = * * \ E / ========= |||||||||| * * = echo = * * | | * ========= ||||||||| * * = echo = * \_\ ======== |||||||| * = echo = * * * ======= ||||||| * * * = echo = * ====== |||||| * = echo = * * * ===== ||||| * * * = echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ TerMinAtoR [tm] (c) 1995 by ShaMan ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #=[ TerMinAtoR & ExCaLiBuR - CUSTOMIZABLE CONFIGURATION SECTION ]= @ txcal.ver = [TX-EXCAL v2.50K] @ txloadid.ver = [TERMINATOR] @ txterm.loaded = [YES] EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [ ] @ tx = [\[T|X\]] @ txloadhelp.msg = [You NEED To LOAD TX-HELP.IRC To Access HELP\!] @ terminator.ver = [<==|>TerMinAtoR=====- v8.75K by ShaMan] @ fingermsg = [<==|>TerMinAtoR=====- v8.75K by ShaMan] @ pingmsg = [Go Ping YourSelf!] @ terminator.time.msg = [You want the time? Buy a friggin watch you bum!] @ floodmsg = [You've Dared Try and Flood Me?! You Are NOW IGNORED!] @ tk = [| TerMinAtoR |] @ abkickmsg = [| TerMinAtoR Auto BKick |] @ channel.floodmsg = [| TerMinAtoR Channel Flood |] @ nick.floodmsg = [| TerMinAtoR Nick Flood |] @ uban.kickmsg = [| TerMinAtoR User Ban |] @ igtypes = [MSGS CTCP NOTICES INVITES NOTES PUBLIC] @ defumes = [Be back soon!] @ idlemes = [Auto Set-Away Engaged] @ signmsg = [SPrEaD ThE WorD, <==|> K.O.E. =====- RuLZ!] @ usermode = [+i] @ false_chars = [*\$* ** ** ** ** ** ** * * ** ** *,* ** *\;* *\\* *\{* *\}* *\|*] @ bogus_patterns = [*fuck* *shit* *suck* *dick* *penis* *cunt* *haha* *fake* *split* *ass* *hehe* *bogus* *yawn* *leet*] @ txpsk.flag = [-kill] @ txpsk.flag2 = [-close] @ txpsk.flag3 = [-9] @ msgsensor = [6] @ noticesensor = [10] @ ctcpsensor = [4] @ nicksensor = [3] @ msensor = [2] @ ksensor = [3] @ dcclimit = [10] @ resetcount = [16] @ ig_count = [2] @ slovo = [$slovo] @ whovfp = [ON] @ koebroop = [ON] @ koebrounban = [ON] @ koebroinvite = [ON] @ koebropart = [ON] @ koebrojoin = [ON] @ koebropasswd = [supercalifragilisticexpealidotiouslink] @ txrevengekick = [ON] @ koewallblock = [ON] @ txlagsecs = [7] @ idletime = [10] @ autochannels = [ALL] @ extmes = [ON] @ floodp = [ON] @ chanprot = [ON] @ prot = [ON] @ nhp = [ON] @ rejoin = [ON] @ ctcpauto = [ON] @ autorename = [ON] @ autoop = [OFF] @ AUTOGET = [OFF] @ AUTOSEND = [ON] @ AUTOCLOSE = [OFF] @ SECURITY = [OFF] @ OVERWRITE = [OFF] #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= Terminator Directories ($W designates current directory) = #= If you aren't on SunOS, you might want to change $HOME to ~/ if you are = #= having problems with the script trying to write to a strange directory. = #= $W is your current directory at time of IRC startup. = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EVAL @ terminatorfile = [$HOME/.terminator] EVAL @ terminatorbak = [$HOME/.terminator.bak] EVAL @ UPLOADDIR = [$HOME/] EVAL @ DOWNLOADDIR = [$HOME/] EVAL @ AWAYFLE = [$terminatorfile\.away] EVAL @ OFFERFILE = [$terminatorfile\.xdcc] EVAL @ TXNOTES = [$terminatorfile\.notes] EVAL @ logpath = [$HOME/logs/] #=[ XCaLX CONFIGURATION SECTION & ASSIGNS ]= @ xcalx.conf = [$HOME/.xcalx] @ xknick = [XCaLX] @ xkuser = [shamanic] @ xkserver = [irc.colorado.edu] @ xkport = [6667] @ xkrname = [<==|>XCaLX=====-] @ xknickkill = [0] @ xkprotnum = [0] @ xkcnsnum = [0] @ xknumkills = [0] @ xkrantries = [1] @ xkquietmode = [OFF] #=[ XRaWX CONFIGURATION SECTION & ASSIGNS ]= @ rxt.clilinks = [0] @ rxt.count = [0] @ rxt.idx = [0] @ rxt.joink = [] @ rxt.realname = [=[XRaWX]= Da DeAtH MaKeR =[XRaWX]=] @ rxt.safe = [] @ rxt.safenum = [0] @ rxt.success = [0] @ rxt.tog = [D S] @ rxt.tsbounce = [0] @ rxt.user = [destroyr] #=[ XTeLX CONFIGURATION SECTION & ASSIGNS ]= @ xtelx.kills.count = [0] @ xtelx.bot.count = [0] @ xte.xk.autorec = [ON] @ xtkillonjoin = [OFF] @ xtkillonnick = [OFF] @ xtquietmode = [OFF] @ xte.xk.nickname = [$NICKCRAP(9)] @ xte.xk.no = [0] @ xtprotlist = [] @ xtprotnum = [] #=[ PROGRAM PATHS TO MCB & LL ]= @ MCBProg = [lib/irc/mcb] @ LLProg = [lib/irc/ll] #=[Hawk Nick]= @ ll.nick = [HAWK IRC NICK HERE] #=[Hawk Server]= @ ll.server = [HAWK IRC SERVER HERE] #=[Hawk Port]= @ ll.port = [6667] #=[Hawk UserId - If No IdentD You Can Use Anything]= @ ll.username = [USERID HERE] #=[Hawk IrcName]= @ ll.realname = [<==|>ExCaL Hawk===-] #=[MCB Default Kill Server]= @ killserver = [irc-2.mit.edu] #=[Default Lagged Server For Kill On Notify]= @ lag.serv = [irc-2.mit.edu] #=[Default Lagged Server Port For Kill On Notify]= @ lag.serv.port = [6667] #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= Defaults for flash & nuke used in NUKE, FLASH, SNUKE, MASSFLASH, MFLASH. = #= If you want to specify a different directory for these, do so here. = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= @ flash_pgm = [flash3] @ flash_pgm2 = [flash] @ mflash_pgm = [mflash] @ nuke_pgm = [nuke] #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #= Servers for use as RANDOM servers in the /CLONEBOTS CLONE command. = #= These should all allow connections from your host. = #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= @ cservnum = [11] @ CSERV[1] = [irc.netcom.com] @ CSERV[2] = [ircd.bt.net] @ CSERV[3] = [irc.bridge.net] @ CSERV[4] = [irc.cnde.iastate.edu] @ CSERV[5] = [irc.gate.net] @ CSERV[6] = [irc.law.emory.edu] @ CSERV[7] = [irc.pspt.fi] @ CSERV[8] = [anarchy.tamu.edu] @ CSERV[9] = [irc.winternet.com] @ CSERV[10] = [irc.blackened.com] @ CLONEUNAME = [NONE] @ CLONEPORT = [6667] @ CLONEWINDOW = [OFF] #=[ END OF T|X ExCaLiBuR WAR CONFIGURATION & ASSIGNS SECTION ]= #=[ INITIALIZERS: DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE! ]= ^set status_format %T %*%@%N%#%S%H%B%Q%A%C%+%I%O%M%F %W%>%U EVAL ^assign OLD_STATUS $STATUS_FORMAT @ mcount = [0] @ kcount = [0] @ dccsent = [0] @ nickcnt = [0] @ away_messages = [0] @ msgmax = [10] @ MYSEND = [NO] @ FRIENDADD = [0] @ PRIVADD = [0] @ ENEMYADD = [0] @ COMMENTADD = [0] @ GETCOUNT = [0] @ TOTPACK = [0] @ defban = [normal] @ ban_name = [HOST] @ change_stat = [ON] @ cstat = [ON] @ cprot = [ON] @ set.dfbt = [n] @ awaystat = [ON] @ isaway = [NO] @ logirc = [ON] set AUTO_UNMARK_AWAY OFF set AUTO_WHOWAS OFF set BEEP ON set BEEP_MAX 2 set BEEP_ON_MSG NONE set BEEP_WHEN_AWAY OFF set BOLD_VIDEO ON set CHANNEL_NAME_WIDTH 15 set CLOCK ON set CLOCK_24HOUR OFF set COMMAND_MODE OFF set CONTINUED_LINE set DCC_BLOCK_SIZE 2048 set DISPLAY ON set FLOOD_WARNING OFF set FULL_STATUS_LINE ON set HELP_WINDOW OFF set HIDE_PRIVATE_CHANNELS OFF set HIGHLIGHT_CHAR BOLD set HISTORY 30 set HOLD_MODE OFF set INDENT ON set INPUT_PROMPT [T] EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [- ] set INPUT_PROTECTION ON set INSERT_MODE ON set INVERSE_VIDEO ON set LASTLOG 100 set LASTLOG_LEVEL ALL DCC set LOG OFF EVAL ^if ([$MAIL]==[0]) {^set mail 1} set MAX_RECURSIONS 200 set NO_CTCP_FLOOD ON set NOTIFY_ON_TERMINATION OFF set SCROLL ON set SEND_IGNORE_MSG OFF set SHOW_AWAY_ONCE ON set SHOW_CHANNEL_NAMES ON set SHOW_END_OF_MSGS OFF set SHOW_NUMERICS OFF set SHOW_STATUS_ALL ON set SHOW_WHO_HOPCOUNT ON set STATUS_AWAY (A) set STATUS_CHANNEL %C set STATUS_CHANOP @ set STATUS_CLOCK %T set STATUS_HOLD =[MORE]= set STATUS_MODE (+%+) set STATUS_MAIL M:%M set STATUS_NOTIFY A:%F set STATUS_OVERWRITE [OW] set STATUS_QUERY Q:%Q set STATUS_UMODE (+%#) SET STATUS_USER T|X set STATUS_WINDOW ^ set SUPPRESS_SERVER_MOTD ON set TAB ON set TAB_MAX 2 set UNDERLINE_VIDEO ON set USER_WALLOPS OFF set VERBOSE_CTCP OFF set WARN_OF_IGNORES ON bind meta1-[ meta2 bind meta1-O meta2 bind meta2-A backward_history bind meta2-B forward_history bind meta2-C forward_character bind meta2-D backward_character bind ^B self_insert bind ^_ self_insert bind ^V self_insert bind ^Z stop_irc bind ^X switch_channels bind ^O parse_command /ig $, bind ^I parse_command ^getmsg 1 $msglist bind ^N parse_command _pickserver bind ^R parse_command ^getmsg -1 $msglist bind ^F parse_command //flush bind ^P parse_command /holdset bind ^[b parse_command bk $: $tk bind ^[d parse_command deop $: bind ^[c parse_command EVAL xkill $lnot bind ^[h parse_command eschelp bind ^[k parse_command kick * $: $tk bind ^[o parse_command op $: bind ^[r parse_command avtomat bind ^[v parse_command ver $: bind ^[w parse_command wi $: bind ^[x parse_command EVAL xkill $: bind ^[y parse_command EVAL lagkill $: bind ^[z parse_command EVAL xkill $_ln #=[ BASIC ALIASES ( USED THROUGHOUT T|X ) ]= set banner $tx alias techo {^xecho -level crap $tx $0-} alias tusecho {^xecho -level crap $tx [-USAGE-] $0-} alias tmecho {^xecho -level crap [T] $0-} alias xmecho {^xecho -level crap [X] $0-} alias ww whowas alias sc names $C alias wi whois alias chops w -chops alias re redirect alias c mode $C $0- alias ji //join $I alias dc /dcc chat alias dcg //dcc close get alias dcs //dcc close send alias dcx //dcc close chat alias ex exec alias wii whois $0 $0 alias ls exec ls -al alias cat exec cat alias quit signoff $0- alias m msg alias n notice alias unignore noig alias about aboutgcommand alias avar {^assign $0 $1-} alias umode mode $N alias chat //dcc chat $decode($chatter) alias nochat //dcc close chat $decode($chatter) alias rmode ^set status_mode (+%+) alias mc quote MODE $C -lsnmpitk $decode($chankey) alias nnotice quote NOTICE $0 :$1- alias kkick quote KICK $0 $1 :$2- alias mmode quote MODE $0- alias _checkkey if (!rmatch($M *k*)) {^set status_mode (+%+)}{^timer 15 _checkkey} alias sec_check if (rmatch($0 $SECLIST)) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = [YES]}{@ FUNCTION_RETURN = [NO]} alias isnum if (rmatch($0 *0* *1* *2* *3* *4* *5* *6* *7* *8* *9*)) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 1}{@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 0} alias isalpha if (rmatch($0 *a* *b* *c* *d* *e* *f* *g* *h* *i* *j* *k* *l* *m* *n* *o* *p* *q* *r* *t* *u* *v* *w* *x* *y* *z*)) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 1}{@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 0} alias wl wholeft alias i inv $, alias xl CTCP $C XDCC LIST alias bkick bk alias dop { if ([$0]) { quote mode $C -oooo $0 $1 $2 $3 if ([$4]) { dop $4- } }{techo You must specify one or more nicks to deop} } alias submode if (mcount>0) {@ mcount = mcount - 1} alias subkick if (kcount>0) {@ kcount = kcount - 1} alias getig {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = ig_count * 60} alias chanpass if ((match($strip(# $0) $AutoChannels))||([$AutoChannels]==[ALL])) {^assign FUNCTION_RETURN YES} alias _delayop if (isop($decode($1) $0)==0) {/mmode $0 +o $decode($1)} alias nickonly {^assign FUNCTION_RETURN $left($index(! $0) $0)} alias enickonly {^assign FUNCTION_RETURN $encode($left($index(! $0) $0))} alias userdomain { if (isip($mid(${1+rindex(@ $0)} 255 $0))) {@ function_return = LEFT($INDEX(@ $0) $0)##[@]##MID(${1+INDEX(@ $0)} 99 $0)}{@ FUNCTION_RETURN = notip($0)}} alias notip { if ([$index(. $0)]==[$rindex(. $0)]) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = LEFT($INDEX(@ $0) $0)##[@]##MID(${1+INDEX(@ $0)} 99 $0)}{@ FUNCTION_RETURN = LEFT($INDEX(@ $0) $0)##[@]##MID(${1+INDEX(. $0)} 99 $0)}} alias isip {if ([$strip(1234567890. $0)]==[]) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 1}{@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 0}} alias pubact if (isop($N $1)) {/kkick $1 $0 $channel.floodmsg} alias serv {/if ([$0]) {//server $0-}{/if ([$_server]!=[]) {//server $_server}{//server 0}}} alias pubecho if ([$1]==[$C]) {/echo <$0> $2-}{/echo <$0:$1> $2-} alias safe {^assign FUNCTION_RETURN $strip(\;\(\)*/\\\{\}$$~`|'\" $0-)} alias msafe {^assign FUNCTION_RETURN $strip(\;$$ $0-)} alias j if ((![$0])||([&]==[$[1]0])||([#]==[$[1]0])||([$0]==[0])||([-]==[$[1]0])) {//join $0-} {//join #$0-} alias l if (![$0]) {//leave $C}{/if (([&]==[$[1]0])||([#]==[$[1]0])||([$0]==[*])) {//leave $0} {//leave #$0}} alias lookup {exec lookup $0} alias newdate {@ function_return = mid(4 12 $stime($0))} alias ap { ^set STATUS_USER Lag ? - T|X quote PING $time() $S } alias pause2 { ^assign PAUSETEMP $"=[ Enter to Continue ]=" ^assign -PAUSETEMP } alias nokey { techo Removing Channel KEY on: \[$C\\] if (ischannel($0)) { ^window channel $0 MODE $0 -k $ref(2 $M)}{ MODE $C -k $ref(2 $M)} } alias ref {@ function_return = [$(${[$0]})]} alias tacj if ([$1]) { if (ischannel($0)) {@ cjchan = [$0]}{@ cjchan = [#$0]} @ tme = [$1] techo TACJ\($cjchan\): Timed-Auto-Channel-Join Initiated Every $tme Secs... techo Type /TACJOFF To Terminate Timed-Auto-Channel-Join. ^on ^471 * {if ([$1]==[$cjchan]) {^timer -refnum 329 $tme //^JOIN $cjchan}} ^on ^473 * {if ([$1]==[$cjchan]) {^timer -refnum 329 $tme //^JOIN $cjchan}} eval ^on #-join -329 "% ${cjchan}" {tacjoff} //^JOIN $cjchan }{techo /TACJ [Channel to Join] [Time Frequency]} alias tacjoff { ^timer -delete 329 techo TACJ\($cjchan\): Terminating Timed-Auto-Channel-Join Attempt. ^on ^471 -* ^on ^473 -* ^on #-join -329 -"% ${cjchan}" ^assign -tme;^assign -cjchan } alias doh ^assign alias.doh $B;msg $. Doh! That message was not meant for you!..Disregard, Sorry!;msg $0 $alias.doh alias newcha if ([$0]) {wait -cmd //PART *;j $0-}{techo /NEWCHA [Channel], "Channel" is the NEW Channel to Join} alias mcls if (ischannel($0)) {mode $0 -lsnmpitm;nokey $0}{mode $C -abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz;nokey} alias traceroute { techo TRACEROUTE for: [ $0 ] is.... exec traceroute $0- } alias find { techo SEARCHING for: [ $0 ] in IRC.... who $0 } alias tref { ^timer -delete $0 ^timer -refnum $0- } alias holdset { ^set HOLD_MODE TOGGLE techo Screen pausing mode is now \[$HOLD_MODE\\]. } alias cwait { wait -CMD # wait -CMD $0- } alias purge { foreach $0 ii {/purge $0.$ii} ^assign -ii ^assign -$0 } alias sb { if ([$0]) {//mode #$strip(# $0) +b} {//mode $C +b}} alias w { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[-chops]) {//who $0 $C $1-} {//who -h $0-} } {//who *} } alias t topic alias inv { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) {//invite $0-} {//invite $0 $C}} {/techo You need to specify a nick to invite.}} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [- ] alias pubcat { if ([$0]) {exec -o cat $0} {/techo Usage: /pubcat }} alias fing { if ([$0]) {/ctcp $0 FINGER;techo CTCP Fingered \[$0\\]}{/ctcp $C FINGER;techo CTCP Fingered \[$C\\]}} alias verkoe { if ([$0]) { /ctcp $0 CONF_TXCAL_VER techo CTCP Verkoed \[$0\\] }{ techo Enter a nick to VERKOE\. } } alias ver { if ([$0]) {/ctcp $0 VERSION;techo CTCP Versioned \[$0\\]}{/ctcp $C VERSION;techo CTCP Versioned \[$C\\]}} alias p { if ([$0]) {//ping $0;techo CTCP Pinged \[$0\\]}{//ping $C;techo CTCP Pinged \[$C\\]}} alias tim { if ([$0]) {/ctcp $0 TIME;techo CTCP Timed \[$0\\]}{/ctcp $C TIME;techo CTCP Timed \[$C\\]}} alias your_host { EVAL Userhost $N -CMD if ([$3]) { ^assign ownadd $0!$3@$4 ^assign HOSTROOT $strip(~ $3) } {^timer 25 your_host} } alias op { if ([$0]) { quote mode $C +oooo $0 $1 $2 $3 if ([$4]) { op $4- } }{techo You must specify one or more nicks to op} } alias ftm { if ([$left(1 $0)]==[0]) {@ timestr = [$mid(1 4 $0)]}{@ timestr = [$left(5 $0)]} @ timestr = [$timestr $tolower($right(2 $0))] @ FUNCTION_RETURN = [$timestr] } alias ctcpre {//^notice $0 $1-;EVAL echo CTCP REPLY=>\[$0\] TYPE: $1 MSG: $2-} #=[ REPLY FOR NO HELP MODULE LOADED ]= alias thelp { if ([$1]) {^thelp} if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias special { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias txbhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias synchelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias jumphelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias nthelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias txkhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias eschelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias kbrohelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias clonehelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias khelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias xkhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias xrhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias xthelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias floodhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias assaulthelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias hackhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias mischelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias annoyhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias extrashelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } alias warhelp { if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo $txloadhelp.msg} } #=[ STATS FOR MODULES ]= alias mlstat { techo =-=-=[ =[T\|X]= MODULES LOADED ]=-=-= if (txterm.loaded) {techo TX-TERM : \[$txterm.loaded\\]} if (!txterm.loaded) {techo TX-TERM : \[NO\]} if (txwar.loaded) {techo TX-WAR : \[$txwar.loaded\\]} if (!txwar.loaded) {techo TX-WAR : \[NO\]} if (txhelp.loaded) {techo TX-HELP : \[$txhelp.loaded\\]} if (!txhelp.loaded) {techo TX-HELP : \[NO\]} if (txextras.loaded) {techo TX-EXTRAS : \[$txextras.loaded\\]} if (!txextras.loaded) {techo TX-EXTRAS : \[NO\]} if (txannoy.loaded) {techo TX-ANNOY : \[$txannoy.loaded\\]} if (!txannoy.loaded) {techo TX-ANNOY : \[NO\]} if (txkicks.loaded) {techo TX-KICKS : \[$txkicks.loaded\\]} if (!txkicks.loaded) {techo TX-KICKS : \[NO\]} if (txbot.loaded) {techo TX-BOT : \[$txkicks.loaded\\]} if (!txbot.loaded) {techo TX-BOT : \[NO\]} techo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=[-T\|X-]= } #=[ DCC PARSER ]= alias dcc { //dcc $0- if ([$0]==[SEND]) { @ dccsent = dccsent + 1 ^timer 120 checksend $1 $2 } if ([$0]==[CHAT]) { ^addmsg \=$1 $msglist ^on ^401 "% $1 *" { ^dcx $1 techo I can't find $1 on IRC. Closing CHAT request. } cwait ^on ^401 - "% $1 *" }} #=[ ISOP FUNCTION ]= alias isop { if (([$1] == [$C])&&([$0] == [$N])) { if ([$P] == [@]) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 1}{@ FUNCTION_RETURN = 0}} {/EVAL @ FUNCTION_RETURN = $ischanop($0 $1)}} #=[ SERVER MESSAGE REDEFINATION ]= on ^001 "*" {/techo Connection to: \[$0\\] established!} on ^002 "*" {#} on ^003 "*" {/techo $0\ was created: $5-} on ^004 "*" {/techo $1\ ircd version: \[$2\\]} on ^200 "*" {techo $1 $0 \($2\) ==> $3-} on ^201 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^202 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^203 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^204 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^205 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^206 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^207 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^208 "*" {techo $1 [$2] ==> $3-} on ^209 "*" {techo $1 $2 Entries linked: $3} on ^211 "*" {techo $[40]1 $[10]2 $[10]3 $[10]4 $[10]5 $[12]6 $7-} on ^212 "*" {techo $[10]1 : $[-10]2 $[-10]3} on ^213 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^214 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^215 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^216 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^217 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^218 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^241 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^243 "*" {techo $1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6} on ^220 "*" {techo $1 $[10]2 $3} on ^231 "*" {techo Service $1 \($0\)} on ^250 "*" {/techo Highest connection count: \[$4-\]} on ^251 "*" {/techo There are \[$3\] people and \[$6 are invisible \(+i\)\] on \[$9\] servers.} on ^252 "*" {/techo \[$1\\] IRCops are online} on ^253 "*" {/techo \[$1\\] Unknown Connection(s)} on ^254 "*" {/techo \[$1\\] Channels have been formed} on ^255 "*" {/techo There are \[$3\\] clients and \[$6\\] servers connected to this server.} on ^256 "*" {/techo \[-ADMINISTRATIVE-\] info for: $0\} on ^261 "*" {techo $1 ==> $2 Level $3-} on ^301 "*" if ([$0]!=[$N]) {/techo Away : $0 is away: $1-} on ^305 "*" {#} on ^306 "*" {#} on ^308 "*" {/techo IRC ADMIN : $1 is an IRC Administrator} on ^329 "*" {/techo Channel $1\ created on $stime($2)} on ^332 "*" {/techo \[-TOPIC-\] For \[$1\]: $2-} on ^333 "*" {/techo Topic for: $1\ set by: $2 on: $stime($3)} on ^341 "*" {/techo \[$1\\]: has been invited to Channel: \[$2\\].} ^on ^367 "*" { if ([$4]) {/techo $1 $2 \(By ^B$3^B, $stime($4)\)} {/techo $1-}} on ^401 "*" {/techo \[$1\\]: is NOT in IRC} on ^402 "*" {/techo \[$1\\]: is NOT in this IRC Network} on ^404 "*" {check_synch $0-} on ^406 "*" {/techo \[$1\\]: There was NO such nickname in IRC} on ^407 "*" {/techo Trace on $1\ FAILED there are two $left($index(@ $1) $1)\'s on $mid(${1+index(@ $1)} 999 $1)\.} on ^442 "*" {check_synch $0-} on ^443 "*" {#} on ^446 "*" {/techo \[USERS\]: is NOT available on \[$0\\]} on ^465 "*" {/techo You are banned \(K-lined\) from server: \[$0\\]} on ^473 "*" {techo $1: Sorry, cannot join channel. \(Invite ONLY channel\)} on ^482 "*" {check_synch $0-} on ^311 "*" { techo Whois Information for: $1 techo Address : $2@$3 techo IRCNAME : $5- } on ^312 "*" techo Server : $2 \($3-\) on ^313 "*" techo IRC OP : $1 has operator status. on ^314 "*" { techo Whowas information for: $1 techo Address : $2@$3 techo IRCNAME : $5- } on ^319 "*" techo On Channels : $1- on ^317 "*" { if (index(012345679 $3) != -1) { ^assign -sectime ^assign -mintime ^assign sectime $2 @ mintime = sectime / 60 techo Idle Time : $mintime minute\(s\) \($2 seconds\) techo Signed on : $stime($3) }{ ^assign -sectime ^assign -mintime ^assign sectime $2 @ mintime = sectime / 60 techo Idle Time : $mintime minute\(s\) \($2 seconds\) }} alias check_synch { if ([$0]!=[$desynch]) { if ([$0]!=[$S]) { techo $0 is desynched from the IRC Network. ^assign desynch $0 tref 500 30 ^assign -desynch }{/techo $1-}}} @ motd = [OFF] alias motd { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) { @ motd = [ON] techo MOTD: \[$MOTD\\] ^set SUPPRESS_SERVER_MOTD OFF ^on ^372 "*" {^xecho -level crap \[MOTD\] $2-} ^on ^375 "*" {^xecho -level crap \[MOTD\] $2-} } if ([$0]==[OFF]) { @ motd = [OFF] techo MOTD: \[$MOTD\\] ^set SUPPRESS_SERVER_MOTD ON ^on ^372 "*" {#} ^on ^375 "*" {#} } } { techo Type /MOTD ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate Server MOTD techo MOTD currently: \[$MOTD\\] } } on ^TOPIC "*" {techo $0 has changed the topic on $1 to: $2-} on ^NOTICE "%.% *Link*" {techo $2-} #=[ MODE & KICK PROTECTION ]= alias mdact { if ((isop($N $1))&&([$mdwait]!=[$0])&&([$decode($0)]!=[$N])) { mmode $1 -o $decode($0) techo [WARNING!] - MASS DEOP DETECTED! By: $decode($0) On: $1 @ mdwait = [$0] tref 501 8 ^assign -mdwait } @ mcount = [0] } EVAL assign txconfirm.ver [CONFIRMED!] [$TXCAL.VER] alias kact { if ((isop($N $1))&&([$kwait]!=[$0])&&([$decode($0)]!=[$N])) { mmode $1 -o $decode($0) techo [WARNING!] - MASS KICK DETECTED! By: $decode($0) On: $1 @ kwait = [$0] tref 502 8 ^assign -kwait } @ kcount = [0] } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [= ] alias mdtest { if ([$0]==[$lastmd]) { @ mcount = mcount + $2 ^timer 12 submode if (mcount>msensor) {/mdact $0 $1}}{ @ lastmd = [$0] @ mcount = [$2] ^timer 12 submode if (mcount>msensor) {/mdact $0 $1}}} on ^ctcp "% % ackn_txcal_ver *" { if ([$LASTVERKOE]!=right(10 $0)) { techo [NOTICE] $decode($enickonly($0)) requested KOE verification for you. if ([$txconfirm.ver]!=[]) {/msg $decode($enickonly($0)) $txconfirm.ver} ^assign LASTVERKOE $right(10 $0) tref 513 45 ^assign -LASTVERKOE }} alias ktest { if (([$0]==[$lastmdk])&&([$0]!=[$encode($N)])) { @ kcount = kcount + 1 ^timer 12 subkick if (kcount>ksensor) {/kact $0 $1} }{@ lastmdk = [$0]}} #=[ MODE & KICK HANDLERS ]= on -raw_irc "% MODE *" { @ mdcnt = [0] @ nixcnt = [0] @ mde = [+] @ mdech = [$3] @ nix = [$4-] @ mdchop = [$encode($left($index(! $0) $0))] if (([$prot]==[ON])&&(rmatch($3 -ooo* *-ooo*))) {/mdact $mdchop $2} while (mid($mdcnt 1 $mdech)!=[]) { ^assign mdecc $mid($mdcnt 1 $mdech) if (([$mdecc]==[-])||([$mdecc]==[+])) {@ mde = [$mdecc]}{ if (match($mde$mdecc +b -b +o -o +k -k +l -l +m -m)) { if ([$mde$mdecc]==[+b]) { if ((match($word($nixcnt $nix) $ownadd))&&(rmatch($0 *!*))) {/bansave $2 $mdchop $word($nixcnt $nix)} if ((!rmatch($0 *!*))&&(isop($N $2))&&([$nhp]==[ON])&&([$SAVEBAN]==[])) {/mmode $2 -b $word($nixcnt $nix)} ^assign -SAVEBAN } if ([$mde$mdecc]==[+o]) { if ((!rmatch($0 *!*))&&(isop($N $2))&&([$nhp]==[ON])) {/mmode $2 -o $word($nixcnt $nix)}} if ([$mde$mdecc]==[-o]) {/if ([$prot]==[ON]) {/mdtest $mdchop $2 1}} if ([$mde$mdecc]==[+k]) { @ chankey = [$encode($word($nixcnt $nix))] if ((rmatch($word($nixcnt $nix) $false_chars))&&(rmatch($0 *!*))) { ^set status_mode [CK-BOMB-DEFLECTED!] ^timer 10 _checkkey if ((isop($N $2))&&([$chanprot]==[ON])) {/mmode $2 -k $word($nixcnt $nix)} if ((isop($N $2))&&([$chanprot]==[ON])) {/txkb $nickonly($0)} } {/if ((!rmatch($0 *!*))&&(isop($N $2))&&([$NHP]==[ON])) {/mmode $2 -k $word($nixcnt $nix)}} } if (mdecc != [m]) {@ nixcnt = nixcnt + 1} }} @ mdcnt = mdcnt + 1 }} on ^mode "%.% *" techo [WARNING!] - SERVER MODES DETECTED! In $1: \'$2-\' alias bansave { if (isop($N $0)) { mmode $0 -ob $decode($1) $2 kkick $0 $decode($1) $uban.kickmsg } @ SAVEBAN = [YES] techo [WARNING!] - BAN ON YOU DETECTED! By: $decode($1) } #=[ Additional SERVER MODE DETECTECTION & PROT ]= /* No need for this on modern servers on ^mode "%.% % %+k% *" { EVAL assign old_status_mode $status_mode ^set status_mode KEY REMOVED! techo [WARNING!] - SERVER MODES DETECTED! In $1: \'$2-\' mode $1 -k $3 EVAL ^timer 5 ^set status_mode $old_status_mode } on ^mode "%.% % %+kl *" { EVAL assign old_status_mode $status_mode ^set status_mode KEY REMOVED! techo [WARNING!] - SERVER MODES DETECTED! In $1: \'$2-\' mode $1 -k $3 EVAL ^timer 5 ^set status_mode $old_status_mode } on ^mode "%.% % %+lk *" { EVAL assign old_status_mode $status_mode ^set status_mode KEY REMOVED! techo [WARNING!] - SERVER MODES DETECTED! In $1: \'$2-\' mode $1 -k $4- EVAL ^timer 5 ^set status_mode $old_status_mode } */ #=[ REVENGE On KICK ]= alias txrkick { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {^assign txrevengekick ON;techo TX-REVENGE-KICK is \[$txrevengekick\\]} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {^assign txrevengekick OFF;techo TX-REVENGE-KICK is \[$txrevengekick\\]} }{techo TX-REVENGE-KICK is \[$txrevengekick\\];techo Type /TXRKICK ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate\.;techo Type /SAVE to SAVE setting\.}} on -raw_irc "% KICK *" { ^assign kickchan $strip(: $2) ^assign kickperson $encode($left($index(! $0) $0)) ^assign jamnick $randcrap(9) ($encode($N)) if ([$prot]==[ON]) {/ktest $kickperson $kickchan} if (([$3]==[$N])&&([$REJOIN]==[ON])) { cwait //join $kickchan if ([$TXREVENGEKICK]==[ON]) { /nick $jamnick ^timer 5 /txkb $nickonly($0) ^timer 9 /nick $N if ([$XKCONNECTED]==[YES]) {/xkill $nickonly($0)} if (rxt.count > 0) {/xrkill $nickonly($0)} if (xtelx.bot.count > 0) {/xtkill $nickonly($0)} }}} on ^ctcp "% % ackn_match_code *" { if ([$LASTSERKOE]!=right(10 $0)) { if ([$koematch.code]!=[]) {/msg $decode($enickonly($0)) $koematch.code} ^assign LASTSERKOE $right(10 $0) tref 507 45 ^assign -LASTSERKOE }} #=[ NICK FLOOD PROTECTION ]= on -channel_nick "*" { if ( ([$chanprot]==[ON])&&([$2]!=[$N])) { if ([$newnick1]==[$encode($1)]) {@ nickcnt = nickcnt + 1} if (nickcnt==nicksensor) { if (isop($N $0)) { kkick $0 $2 $nick.floodmsg techo [WARNING!] - NICK FLOOD DETECTED! On $0 by: $2 } @ nickcnt = [0] } ^assign newnick1 $encode($2) ^timer 30 ^assign -newnick1 ^timer 30 @ nickcnt = [0] }} #=[ JOIN FUNCTIONS ]= alias autocheck { if ([$ainuse]==[]) { @ ainuse = [YES] foreach ENEMIES XX { if ((rmatch($ENEMIES[$XX] $1))||(match($ENEMIES[$XX] $1))) { if ([$bkmatch]==[]) { if ([$COMMENTS[$XX]]!=[]) { mmode $0 -o+b $decode($2) $ENEMIES[$XX] kkick $0 $decode($2) $COMMENTS[$XX] } { mmode $0 -o+b $decode($2) $ENEMIES[$XX] kkick $0 $decode($2) $abkickmsg } @ bkmatch = 1 }}} ^assign -bkmatch }{^timer 1 autocheck $0-} ^assign -ainuse if (([$autoop]==[ON])&&([$chanpass($0)]==[YES])&&(rmatch($1 $OPLIST))) {^timer 4 _delayop $0 $2} } on -raw_irc "% JOIN *" { if (isop($N $strip(: $2))) {/autocheck $strip(: $2) $safe($0) $encode($left($index(! $0) $0))} } on ^join "*" {^netjoined $encode($tolower($1)) $encode($0) $1 $0 $safe($Userhost())} #=[ NETSPLIT DETECTION ]= alias netclean { foreach splittime ii { foreach splittime.$ii jj { if ( time() - splittime[$ii][$jj] > 300 ) { foreach signcross.$(ii).$jj xx { foreach signcross.$(ii).$(jj).$xx yy { ^assign -signcross[$ii][$jj][$xx][$yy] ^assign -signoffs[$xx][$yy] }} ^assign -xx ^assign -yy ^assign -isbroke[$ii][$jj] ^assign -splitname[$ii][$jj] ^assign -splittime[$ii][$jj] }}} ^assign -ii ^assign -jj } alias isbogus { if ([$3]) { @ function_return = 1 } if (rmatch(.$1. $bogus_patterns *..*)) { @ function_return = 1 } if (rmatch(.$2. $bogus_patterns *..*)) { @ function_return = 1 } } assign koematch.code 102K946378 on ^channel_signoff "% % %.% %.*" { if (isbogus($1-)) {/techo Signoff: $1 \($2-\)} {^netbroke $encode($tolower($0)) $encode($1) $encode($2).$encode($3) $2-} } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=- ] alias netbroke { ^assign signcross[$2][$0][$1] 1 ^assign signoffs[$0][$1] $2 ^assign splittime[$2] $time() if (isbroke[$2]==[]) { ^assign isbroke[$2] 1 ^assign splitname[$2] $3- techo Netsplit detected at $ftm($Z): \[$3-\] techo Type /wholeft to see who split away. }} #alias koeserid idkoeser alias netjoined { if (signoffs[$0][$1]) { if (isbroke[$signoffs[$0][$1]]) {/techo Netjoined at $ftm($Z) \[$splitname[$signoffs[$0][$1]]\]} ^assign -isbroke[$signoffs[$0][$1]] ^assign -signcross[$signoffs[$0][$1]][$0][$1] ^assign -signoffs[$0][$1] } { if ([$2]==[$C]) {/techo $3\ \[$4-\] has joined channel $C\} {/techo $3\ \[$4-\] has joined channel $2\}} } alias netpurge { purge isbroke purge splitname purge splittime purge signcross purge signoffs } alias lformat { @ IRCII.word = [$1-] if (@IRCII.word < [$0]) {@ function_return = [$([$0]IRCII.word)]} {@ function_return = [$IRCII.word]} } alias wholeft { foreach signoffs ii {/foreach signoffs.$ii jj {/techo $lformat(15 $decode($ii)) $lformat(10 $decode($jj)) $splitname[$signoffs[$ii][$jj]]}} ^assign -ii ^assign -jj } #=[ FLOOD HANDLING ROUTINES ]= alias fcheck { @ FUNCTION_RETURN = 0 if (([$floodp]==[ON])&&(!match($decode($0) $flood_ok))) { if ((match(**** $3-))||(rindex($right(1 $3) $3) >= 150)) { ignore_flood $0 $1 $2 clearflood $1 @ FUNCTION_RETURN = 1 } if (([$lastmsger]==[$_tflood])||([$lastnoter]==[$_tflood])||([$lastctcper]==[$_tflood])) { if ([$1]==[MSG]) { @ msgcount = msgcount + 1 EVAL ^timer $resetcount subcheck MSG } if ([$1]==[NOTICE]) { @ noticecount = noticecount + 1 EVAL ^timer $resetcount subcheck NOTICE } if ([$1]==[CTCP]) { @ ctcpcount = ctcpcount + 1 EVAL ^timer $resetcount subcheck CTCP } if ((msgcount==msgsensor)||(noticecount==noticesensor)||(ctcpcount==ctcpsensor)) { ignore_flood $0 $1 $2 clearflood $1 @ FUNCTION_RETURN = 1 }} if ([$1]==[MSG]) {^assign lastmsger $_tflood}{ if ([$1]==[NOTICE]) {^assign lastnoter $_tflood}{ if ([$1]==[CTCP]) {^assign lastctcper $_tflood}}} ^assign _htmp $2 ^assign _tflood $right(${@_htmp-index(@ $2)} $2) }} #alias idkoeser say Being Fucked Over By ShaMan alias ignore_flood { ^assign ignore_tmp $2 EVAL ^assign toig $right(${@ignore_tmp-index(@ $2)} $2) if ([$toig]!=[]) { if ([$floodnotice]==[]) { EVAL //^ignore *$toig $igtypes ^assign floodnotice OFF EVAL ^timer $getig() _igexp $0 $2 *$toig techo [WARNING!] $1 FLOOD DETECTED! From: $decode($0) [$2\] techo Auto ignoring *$toig\ for $ig_count\ minutes\(s\). if ([$floodmsg]!=[]) {/nnotice $decode($0) $floodmsg} ^assign -toig } ^timer 5 ^assign -floodnotice }} alias _igexp { if ([$0]) { //^ignore $2 NONE techo No longer ignoring $decode($0) [$1] \[expired\\]. ^assign -ignore_tmp }} alias clearflood { if ([$0]==[MSG]) {@ msgcount = [0];^assign -lastmsger}{ if ([$0]==[NOTICE]) {@ noticecount = [0];^assign -lastnoter}{ if ([$0]==[CTCP]) {@ ctcpcount = [0];^assign -lastctcper }}}} alias subcheck { if (([$0]==[MSG])&&(msgcount>0)) {@ msgcount = msgcount - 1}{ if (([$0]==[NOTICE])&&(noticecount>0)) {@ noticecount = noticecount - 1}{ if (([$0]==[CTCP])&&(ctcpcount>0)) {@ ctcpcount = ctcpcount - 1 }}}} #=[ FLOOD-OK LIST ]= alias fok { if ([$0]) { if (!match($0 $flood_ok)) { @ flood_ok = flood_ok ## [ $0] techo Nick $0 now exempt from triggering flood protection. }{/techo Nickname $0 is already on your flood ok list.}}{ techo Nicknames exempt from triggering flood protection: techo $flood_ok } if ([$1]) {/fok $1-} } alias frem { if ([$0]) { if (match($0 $flood_ok)) { @ flood_ok = rem_w($0 $flood_ok) techo Nickname $0 has been removed from your flood_ok list. }{/techo $0 is not on your flood_ok list.} } {/tusecho /REMFLOOD of person to remove from flood_ok.} if ([$1]) {/frem $1-} } #=[ PUBLIC FLOOD PROTECTION ]= on ^public "% % ******" { if ([$floodp]==[ON]) { pubecho $0 $1 [Possible Tsunami] $msafe($2-) }{/pubecho $0 $1 $2-} if ([$chanprot]==[ON]) {/pubact $0 $1}} on ^public "% % *******" { if ([$floodp]==[ON]) { pubecho $0 $1 [Excess Beeps] $msafe($2-) }{/pubecho $0 $1 $2-} if ([$chanprot]==[ON]) {/pubact $0 $1}} #=[ RAW IRC CTCP/NOTICE PROTECTION/NOTIFICATION ]= on ^raw_irc "% NOTICE % :*****" { if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { techo [WARNING!] CTCP-TSU FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED } } #on ^raw_irc "% NOTICE % :*DDD*" { # if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { # techo [WARNING!] ExCaL-LiCe FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] # ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y # ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED # } # } #on ^raw_irc "% CTCP % :*DDD*" { # if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { # techo [WARNING!] LiCe FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] # ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y # ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED # } # } #on ^raw_irc "% PRIVMSG % :*DCC SEND* 6667**" { # if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { # techo [WARNING!] DCC AUTOGET BOMB FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] # ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y # ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED # } # } #on ^raw_irc "% PRIVMSG % :*DCC SEND* 2293243493**" { # if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { # techo [WARNING!] DCC AUTOGET BOMB FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] # ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y # ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED # } # } #on ^raw_irc "% PRIVMSG % :*DCC SEND* 8192**" { # if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { # techo [WARNING!] DCC AUTOGET BOMB FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] # ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y # ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED # } # } #on ^raw_irc "% PRIVMSG % :*DCC SEND* 6978632**" { # if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { # techo [WARNING!] DCC AUTOGET BOMB FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] # ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y # ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED # } # } on ^raw_irc "% PONG **" { if ([$AMILICEFLOODED] != [Y]) { techo [WARNING!] PONG FLOOD DETECTED! From: \[$0\\] ^assign AMILICEFLOODED Y ^timer 45 ^assign -AMILICEFLOODED } } alias dccp { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {^assign dccbp $0} if ([$dccbp]==[OFF]) {^on ^raw_irc -"*DCC SEND* %*";techo ALL DCC Notices are NOW: \[ENABLED\]} if ([$dccbp]==[ON]) {^on ^raw_irc "*DCC SEND* %*";techo ALL DCC Notices are NOW: \[DISABLED\] - Type /DCCP OFF to RE-ENABLE them.} } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [== ] on ^raw_irc "% PRIVMSG % :*%INFO*" # on ^raw_irc "% % % :**" _detect $0 $2 flood on ^raw_irc "% % % :*****" _detect $0 $2 flood #=[ Additional CTCP PROT ]= on ^ctcp_reply "*" { if ([$fcheck($encode($0) NOTICE $safe($USERHOST()) $1-)]==0) { if ([$1]==[PING]) { @ PING_TIME = time() - [$2] techo CTCP $1 reply from $0\: $tdiff($ping_time) ^assign -ping_time }{ techo CTCP $1 reply from $0\: $2- }}} #=[ Additional Prot ]= on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :*%INFO*" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :FINGER*" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :**" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :****" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :ERRMSG*" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :ECHO*" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :*[*" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :*ERRMSG *" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :UTC*" # on ^raw_irc "*!*@* % % :*DCC CHAT***DCC CHAT**" # alias _detect { ^assign _flign $hostonly($safe($0)) ^on ^raw_irc "% *!*$_flign % :*" # EVAL ^timer $getig() _detunig $enickonly($0) $_flign ^assign -_detunig ^assign -_flign } alias _detunig { ^on ^raw_irc - "% *!*$1 % :*" } alias hostonly { ^assign rhost $0 ^assign FUNCTION_RETURN $strip(! $right(${@rhost-index(! $0)} $0)) } #=[ VERSION/FINGER FLOOD PROTECTION ]= on ^raw_irc "% PRIVMSG % :*VER**" { if ([$LASTVER]!=right(10 $0)) { if (rmatch($2 #*)) {/techo $decode($enickonly($0)) requested version information for everyone in $2\.} {/techo $decode($enickonly($0)) requested version information for you.} if ([$WHOVFP]==[ON]) {/whois $decode($enickonly($0))} if ([$terminator.ver]!=[]) {/nnotice $decode($enickonly($0)) VERSION $terminator.ver\} if ([$xcal.ver]!=[]) {/nnotice $decode($enickonly($0)) VERSION $xcal.ver\} ^assign LASTVER $right(10 $0) tref 504 45 ^assign -LASTVER }} on ^raw_irc "% PRIVMSG % :*FINGER**" { if ([$LASTFING]!=right(10 $0)) { if (rmatch($2 #*)) {/techo $decode($enickonly($0)) requested finger information for everyone in $2\.} {/techo $decode($enickonly($0)) requested finger information for you.} if ([$WHOVFP]==[ON]) {/whois $decode($enickonly($0))} if ([$fingermsg]!=[]) {/nnotice $decode($enickonly($0)) FINGER $FINGERMSG\} if ([$xcalfingermsg]!=[]) {/nnotice $decode($enickonly($0)) FINGER $XCALFINGERMSG\} ^assign LASTFING $right(10 $0) tref 505 45 ^assign -LASTFING }} #=[ CTCP COMMANDS/RESPONSES ]= on -ctcp "*" { if ([$1]==[$N]) { if ([$inuse]==[]) { ^assign inuse YES ^assign ctcpadr $safe($Userhost()) if ([$fcheck($encode($0) CTCP $ctcpadr $2-)]==0) { if (!match($2 ACTION TIME UTC ERRMSG SED ECHO)) { if (rmatch($0!$ctcpadr $FRIENDLIST)) { if ([$3]) {^assign channel $3} {^assign channel $C} if ([$2]==[HELP]) {/ctcpcmd $0 HELP}{ if ([$chanpass($channel)]==[YES]) { if (match($2 INVITE OP)) { if ([$2]==[OP]) { if (rmatch($0!$ctcpadr $OPLIST)) { ctcpcmd $0 $2 ^assign TEMPYES ON }} if ([$2]==[INVITE]) { if (rmatch($0!$ctcpadr $INVITELIST)) { ctcpcmd $0 $2 ^assign TEMPYES ON }} if ([$TEMPYES]==[]) {/nnotice $0 You do not have access to command $2\.} {^assign -TEMPYES}} {/nnotice $0 $2 is not a valid CTCP command.}} {/nnotice $0 CTCP functions are not enabled for channel $channel\.} }}{ if (match($2 INVITE OP UNBAN HELP)) { if ([$said_not]==[]) { ^assign said_not ON nnotice $0 You are not registered. tref 506 45 ^assign -said_not }} techo CTCP \($safe($[35]2-)\) from unregistered person $0\. }}} ^assign -inuse }}} #=[ CTCP COMMAND PARSER ]= alias ctcpcmd { if ([$ctcpauto]==[ON]) { if ([$1]==[OP]) { if (isop($N $channel)) { mmode $channel +o $0 if ([$terminator.ver]) {/nnotice $0 You have been opped via $terminator.ver} techo $0\ has been opped on $channel via a CTCP request. }{ nnotice $0 I am not an operator on channel $channel\. techo $0\ requested a CTCP Op on $channel\\. }} if ([$1]==[INVITE]) { if (isop($N $channel)) { //^invite $0 $channel if ([$terminator.ver]) {/nnotice $0 You have been invited via $terminator.ver} techo Inviting $0\ under request from a CTCP. }{ nnotice $0 I am not a channel operator on $channel\. techo $0\ requested a CTCP invite to $channel\\. }} if ([$1]==[HELP]) { nnotice $0 These commands are available via CTCP request: nnotice $0 /CTCP $N OP <#Channel> :For ops on <#Channel>. nnotice $0 /CTCP $N INVITE <#Channel> :For an invite to <#Channel>. nnotice $0 I am currently on channel\(s\): $tolower($strip(# $mychannels())) nnotice $0 Channel\(s\) on which these commands are active: $autochannels techo $0\ has asked for Help from my Friends list. }}{ nnotice $0 Sorry, but my CTCP functions are disabled. techo $0\ tried $1\ for $channel\ via CTCP. techo CTCP functions are currently disabled\. }} #=[ MISCELLANEOUS CTCP HANDLERS ]= on -ctcp "% % PING *" { ^assign pingadr $safe($Userhost()) if ([$fcheck($encode($0) CTCP $pingadr $2-)]==0) { if (rmatch($1 #*)) {/techo $0 has pinged everyone in $1\.} {/techo $0 pinged you.} if ([$WHOVFP]==[ON]) {/whois $0} if ([$pingmsg]!=[]) {/nnotice $0 $PINGMSG} }} on -ctcp "% % TIME *" { ^assign timeadr $safe($Userhost()) if ([$fcheck($encode($0) CTCP $timeadr $2-)]==0) { if (rmatch($1 #*)) {/techo $0 has requested time for everyone in $1\.} {/techo $0 requested time for you.} if ([$WHOVFP]==[ON]) {/whois $0} if ([$terminator.time.msg]!=[]) {/nnotice $0 $TERMINATOR.TIME.MSG} }} on ^ctcp "% % DCC CHAT *" { if ([$1]==[$N]) { ^assign dccadr $safe($Userhost()) if (([$fcheck($encode($0) CTCP $dccadr $2-)]!=[ON])&&([$lastchatter]!=[$right(10 $dccadr)])) { ^assign chatter $encode($0) techo DCC CHAT request received from $0\\. techo Type /CHAT to chat, /NOCHAT to ignore or when finished. ^assign lastchatter $right(10 $dccadr) ^timer -delete 601 ^timer -refnum 601 15 ^assign -lastchatter} }} #=[ LAG INDICATOR/PONG FLOOD PROTECTION ]= on ^raw_irc "% PONG *" { if ([$0]==[$S]) { ^assign lagtime ${time()-mid(1 999 $3)} if (lagtime==0) {^set status_user T|X} {^set status_user Lag $lagtime - T|X} }} #=[ LAG METER ]= alias lagm { @ lagblock = [ ] @ lagdash = [------------------------------] @ lmstatus = [ON] /quote PING $time() $S if ([$0]==[-r]) {@ lagmeterchan = [YES]} if ([$0]!=[-r]) {@ lagmeterchan = [NO]} ^tref 518 30 @ lmstatus = [OFF] ^tref 519 30 ^assign -lmstatus ^tref 520 30 ^assign -lagblock ^tref 521 30 ^assign -lagdash ^tref 522 30 ^assign -lagmeterchan ^on #^raw_irc 212 "% PONG *" { if ([$lmstatus]==[ON]) { @ lagmtime = [${time()-mid(1 999 $3)}] @ dashcnt = [${30-lagmtime}] ^tref 523 30 ^assign -lagtime ^tref 524 30 ^assign -dashcnt ^tref 525 30 ^assign -lagmtime ^tref 525 31 ^on #^raw_irc 27 -"% PONG *" if ([$lagmtime]==[0]) { if ([$lagmeterchan]==[YES]) {say LagMeter: \[------------------------------\] \[$lagmtime\\]} if ([$lagmeterchan]==[NO]) {techo LagMeter: \[------------------------------\] \[$lagmtime\\]} } { if ([$lagmeterchan]==[YES]) {say LagMeter: \[$([$lagmtime]lagblock)$([$dashcnt]lagdash)\] \[$lagmtime\\]} if ([$lagmeterchan]==[NO]) {techo LagMeter: \[$([$lagmtime]lagblock)$([$dashcnt]lagdash)\] \[$lagmtime\\]} } } { } } } #=[ LAGGED SERVER FINDER ]= alias txsetlag { if ([$0]) {@ txlagsecs = [$0];techo Hop Check Now Set To: \[$txlagsecs\\]} { techo Hop Check Currently Set To: \[$txlagsecs\\] } } alias txlag { @ txlservnum = [0] if ([$0]==[-r]) {@ lagcmd = [/say [T\|X]]}{@ lagcmd = [techo]} purge serv _getservs /$lagcmd =-=-=-=-=[ =[T\|X]= LAGGED SERVERS ]=-=-=-=-=-= /$lagcmd =[ Servers At Least \[$txlagsecs\\] Hops Away ]= /$lagcmd =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^on ^364 "*" if (([$3]>=[$txlagsecs])&&(!rmatch($1 ?.*))) { /$lagcmd $lformat(30 \[$1\\]) $lformat(5 \[$3 Hops\]) ^assign serv[$txlservnum] $1 @ txlservnum = txlservnum + 1 } //links wait -CMD if ([$txlservnum]!=[0]) {/$lagcmd \[$txlservnum\\] Servers Found\.} wait -CMD if ([$txlservnum]==[0]) {/$lagcmd No Lagged Servers Found!} wait -CMD /$lagcmd =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[-T\|X-]= wait -CMD ^on 364 - "*" } #=[ SERVER MASK LAG FINDER ]= alias txslag { @ txlservnum = [0] if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[-r]) { @ lagcmd = [/say \[T\|X\]] ^assign smask $1 }{ @ lagcmd = [techo] ^assign smask $0 } /$lagcmd =-=-=-=-=[ =[T\|X]= LAGGED SERVER MASK ]=-=-=-= /$lagcmd Lag On Server Mask: \[$smask\\] ... purge serv _getservs ^on ^364 "*" { if (rmatch($1 $smask)) { /$lagcmd $lformat(28 \[$1\\]) $lformat(5 \[$3 Hops\]) ^assign serv[$txlservnum] $1 @ txlservnum = txlservnum + 1 } } //links wait -CMD if ([$txlservnum]!=[0]) {/$lagcmd \[$txlservnum\\] Servers Found\.} wait -CMD if ([$txlservnum]==[0]) {/$lagcmd No Servers Matching: \[$smask\\] Found!} wait -CMD /$lagcmd =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=[-T\|X-]= wait -CMD ^on 364 - "*" }{ techo /TXSLAG \[-r\] <Server Mask> techo EXAMPLE: /TXSLAG *.com techo This Will Give You The Lag \(In Seconds\) Of All The .com Servers. techo ex: /TXSLAG -r irc.ecn.uoknor.edu techo This Will Give You The Lag \(In Seconds\) Of The Server: techo irc.ecn.uoknor And Will Relay It To Your Current Channel. } } #=[ PINGS SERVER TO FIND LAG ]= alias txsping if ([$0]) { if (match(*.* $0)) { /techo Awaiting PING Reply From: \[$0\\] . . . ^on ^raw_irc "% PONG $0 *" { ^on ^raw_irc -"% PONG $2 *";^on ^402 -"% $2 *" /techo Server PING Reply From: $lformat(28 \[$2\\]) $lformat(5 [$tdiff(${time() - txlag[$encode($tolower($2))]})\]) ^assign -txlag.$encode($tolower($2)) } ^on ^402 "% $0 *" { ^on ^raw_irc -"% PONG $1 *";^on ^402 -"% $1 *";^assign -txlag.$encode($tolower($1)) /techo \[$1\\]: No Such Server. } @ txlag.$encode($tolower($0)) = time() quote ping $0 $0 } {techo \[$0\\]: Bad Servername} } {techo /TXSPING <Server>} #=[ FINDS AVAILABLE PORTS ON A SERVER ]= alias txports { if ([$0]) { ^on ^211 - ^assign -server_inquired ^assign -found_ports ^assign -server_inquired ^on #^364 -567 "*" assign server_inquired $$1 ^set display off //links $0 wait -cmd if ([$N]) { ^on #^364 -567 -* techo Searching For Available Ports On Server: \[$server_inquired\\] ... /txportf $server_inquired } }{ techo /TXPORTS <Server> techo This Command Will Find All The Available Ports To The techo Specified Server. }} alias txportf { ^assign -connecting_port ^assign -port_output ^assign -serverp ^assign -serverp_size ^assign serverp $0 ^assign serverp_size $@serverp ^on #^211 -567 * if ( match($serverp $left($serverp_size $1)) ) { ^assign connecting_port $1 @port_output = port_output ## [$txlastbit($connecting_port) ] } //stats L $serverp wait -cmd ^timer 5 /txfportclean @function_return = [$port_output] } alias txfportclean { ^on #^211 -567 -* techo \[$server_inquired\\] Has These Ports Available: techo $port_output techo Port-Scan Operation Complete! ^on ^211 "*" { echo $stu($[40]1) $stu($left(19 $7-)) echo $[10]2 $[10]3 $[10]4 $[10]5 $[7]6 } ^on ^211 "% *.*[*.*] *" { echo $stu($[40]1) $stu($left(19 $7-)) echo $[10]2 $[10]3 $[10]4 $[10]5 $[7]6 } ^on ^211 "% *[*" { if (trace) { ^echo $stu($[40]1) $stu($left(19 $7-)) echo $[10]2 $[10]3 $[10]4 $[10]5 $[7]6 }} ^set display on } alias txlastbit { ^assign -lastbits ^assign -lastbits2 @lastbits = rindex(. $0) @lastbits = lastbits + 1 @lastbits2 = mid($lastbits $lastbits $0) @function_return = strip(] $lastbits2) } #=[ INVITATION HANDLERS ]= on ^invite "*" { if ([$fcheck($encode($0) CTCP $safe($Userhost()) $1-)]==0) { if (rmatch($1 $false_chars)) {/techo $0 invites you to channel $1\ \(Fake\)} {/techo $0\ has invited you to Channel $1\}} ^assign inv_chan $encode($1) } #=[ FAKE MODE HANDLER ]= on ^server_notice "*" # on ^server_notice "% % no% -- fake: *" { if (rmatch($7 $mychannels())) {/techo [FAKE] $5 $7- from $0} } #=[ DCC CONTROL PARSERS ]= EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [==- ] on ^msg "% XDCC *" { ^assign XDCCUSER $safe($userhost()) if ([$fcheck($encode($0) CTCP $XDCCUSER $2-)]==0) {/xdccmsg $0 $XDCCUSER $2-} } on ^ctcp "% % XDCC *" { ^assign DCCUSER $safe($userhost()) if ([$fcheck($encode($0) CTCP $DCCUSER $3-)]==0) {/xdccmsg $0 $DCCUSER $3-} } alias dccCHECK { ^assign -FUNCTION_RETURN if ([$floodp]==[ON]) { if (([$strip(\;/\\\{\}~&|\"~`^=+\^  $4-)]!=[$4-])||([$6] <= 1024)||(([$dcc_last_userhost]==[$dcc_ignore])&&([$dcc_last_longip]!=[$5])&&([$dcc_last_longip]!=[]))) { ignore_flood $encode($0) DCC-SEND $dcc_ignore //^dcc close get $0 $4 @ FUNCTION_RETURN = 1 if (([$dcc_last_userhost]==[$dcc_ignore])&&([$dcc_last_longip]!=[$5])) { techo [WARNING!] DCC Connect IP Mismatch! \[Possible Flood\\] } } if ([$dcc_last_longip]==[]) { ^timer 15 ^assign -dcc_last_longip } if ([$dcc_last_userhost]==[]) { ^timer 15 ^assign -dcc_last_userhost } @ dcc_last_userhost = dcc_ignore @ dcc_last_longip = [$5] if ([$dcc_ignore]==[]) { ^timer 15 ^assign -dcc_ignore }}} #=[ This command also fixes the .* file bug in earlier IRCII clients ]= on ^ctcp "% % DCC SEND* * *" { if ([$1]==[$N]) { ^assign dcc_ignore $safe($userhost()) if ([$dccCHECK($0-)]!=1) { if ([$left(1 $4)]==[.]) { ^assign dccfile _$mid(1 $index($right(1 $4)) $4) }{ ^assign dccfile $4 } if (([$AUTOGET]==[ON])&&([$AUTOCLOSE]!=[ON])) { //^dcc rename $0 $dccfile $DOWNLOADDIR/$dccfile ^exec -name DCG$0/${DOWNLOADDIR}/$dccfile ls \'${DOWNLOADDIR}/$dccfile\' }{ if ([$AUTOCLOSE]==[ON]) { techo DCC SEND $dccfile from $0 request ignored and closed. //^dcc close get $0 $dccfile }{ if (([$AUTOGET]!=[ON])&&([$AUTOCLOSE]!=[ON])) { //^dcc rename $0 $dccfile $DOWNLOADDIR/$dccfile techo DCC SEND $dccfile from $0 added to XDCC request list. adddccrequest $DOWNLOADDIR/$dccfile $0 }}}}}{techo [NOTICE] DCC SEND to $1 attempted and rejected.}} on ^exec_error "DCG* *" { @ dcclen = [$0] @ getf = [$right(${@dcclen-3} $0)] @ idx = [$index(/ $getf)] @ filenme = [$right(${@getf-idx+1} $0)] @ nicknme = [$left($idx $getf)] techo I am autogetting $filenme from $nicknme\. //^dcc get $nicknme $filenme } #bookmark on ^exec "DCG* *" { @ dcclen = [$0] @ getf = [$right(${@dcclen-3} $0)] @ idx = [$index(/ $getf)] @ filenme = [$right(${@getf-idx+1} $0)] @ nicknme = [$left($idx $getf)] if ([$OVERWRITE]==[ON]) { techo Autogetting $filenme from $nicknme \(Overwriting file\). //^dcc get $nicknme $filenme }{ techo $nicknme offered $filenme\ but it already exists. if ([$AUTORENAME]!=[ON]) { @ dctemp = [$"[T|X] Enter new filename or ENTER to close: "] if (dctemp!=[]) { if ([$[1]dctemp]!=[/]) {^assign dctemp ${downloaddir}/${dctemp}} techo Getting $filenme renamed to $dctemp from $nicknme\. //^dcc rename $nicknme $filenme $dctemp //^dcc get $nicknme $dctemp }{ techo Closing DCC GET request from $nicknme\. //^dcc close get $nicknme $filenme }}{ ^assign dctemp $filenme\.$rand(999) techo Autorenaming to $dctemp\ and receiving. if ([$[1]dctemp]!=[/]) {^assign dctemp ${downloaddir}/${dctemp}} //^dcc rename $nicknme $filenme $dctemp //^dcc get $nicknme $dctemp }}} #=[ SERVER CONNECTION ONs ]= on ^connect "*" /cwait _connect on ^disconnect "*" { techo Connection closed. Autoconnecting to $_server\ serv } on ^window "% ??? Use /SERVER to conn*" { if ([$1]==[***]) { techo Connection closed. Autoconnecting to $_server\ serv }} #=[ MISCELLANEOUS ON COMMANDS ]= on ^dcc_raw "*" # on ^dcc_raw "% % D *PIN*" {//^dcc raw $0 $1 PONG :$1} on ^send_msg "*" { echo MSG=>[$0] $1- ^addmsg $0 $msglist } on ^dcc_chat "*" echo =$0= $1- on ^send_action "*" if ([$[1]0]!=[#]) {/echo * $0 >> $N $1-} {/echo * $N $1-} on ^send_public "*" { if ([$0]==[$C]) {/echo <${N}> $1-} {/echo -> <${N}> $1-} } on ^send_dcc_chat "*" { echo <=$0=> $1- ^addmsg \=$0 $msglist } on ^action "*" if ([$[1]1]!=[#]) {/echo * $0 $2-} {/if ([$C]!=[$1]) {/echo * $1 >> $0 $2-} {/echo * $0 $2-} } on ^exec "from *" {techo Mail: From $safe($1-)} on ^exec_error "from *" {#} on ^mail "*" { techo You have new email! \(Mail Waiting: $1\) ^exec -name from frm | tail -$0 } #=[ These will mask some annoying echoes & beautifies others ]= ^on ^window "? ??? ?ecursive call to irc_io*" {#} ^on ^window "? ??? ?issing process number or logical name*" {#} ^on ^window "? ??? ?nvalid process specification*" {#} ^on ^window "? ??? ?ending signal KILL (9) to process*" {#} ^on ^window "? ??? ?* added to the notification list*" {techo \[$2\\] ADDED to the notification list\.} ^on ^window "? ??? ?* removed from notification list*" {techo \[$2\\] REMOVED from the notification list\.} ^on ^window "? ??? ?* is not on the notification list*" {techo \[$2\\] is NOT on the notification list\.} ^on ^window "? ??? ?urrently present:*" {techo Currently present in IRC: $4-\} ^on ^window "? ??? ?urrently absent:*" {techo Currently absent from IRC: $4-\} ^on ^window "* ??? server * dgets timed out*" if ([$1]==[***]){#} ^on ^window "? ??? * dgets *" {#} #=[ MESSAGE HANDLER COMMANDS ]= on ^msg "*" { ^assign msghost $safe($Userhost()) if ([$fcheck($encode($0) MSG $msghost $1-)]==0) { if ([$encode( *$0*  $1-)]!=[$lmes]) { if ([$extmes]==[ON]) { if (miws) {^xecho -window Messages [$0:$Userdomain($msghost)] $1-} {/echo [$0:$Userdomain($msghost)] $1-} }{ if (miws) {^xecho -window Messages [$0:$Userdomain($msghost)] $1-} {/echo [$0] $1-}}} if ([$isaway]==[YES]) { ^exec echo "[$ftm($Z)] [$safe($0):$userdomain($msghost)] $safe($strip(! $1-))" >> $awayfle @ away_messages = away_messages + 1 } ^assign lmes $encode( *$0*  $1-) }{^assign lmes $encode( *$0*  [Flood Detected])} ^addmsg $0 $msglist } alias dirlm { if ([$0]) {//msg $0 $decode($lmes)} {/say $decode($lmes)} } #=[ NOTICE COMMANDS ]= on ^notice "*" { if ([$fcheck($encode($0) NOTICE $safe($Userhost()) $1-)]==0) { if (rmatch($1 *WallOp*)) {/echo [-$0\-] $1-} {/echo -$0- $1-} ^assign lastnotice $encode(-$0- $1-) } {^assign lastnotice $encode(-$0- [Flood Detected])} ^addmsg $0 $msglist } alias dirln { if ([$0]) {//msg $0 $decode($lastnotice)} {/say $decode($lastnotice)} } #=[ DATE & TIME/TIMER/IDLE CONTROL ]= on -timer "*" { ^ap ^netclean #=[Uncomment 1st line for time only ::blech::, 2nd line for full date & time]= #=-=[Line 1]=-= #if (rmatch($0 %:00*)) {/techo The time is now: $0\.} #=-=[Line 2]=-= if (rmatch($0 %:00*)) {/techo The Date & Time is: $stime($time())\.} } on -idle "*" { if (([$0]==[$idletime])&&([$isaway]==[NO])) { setaway $idlemes techo Auto Setting You Away - After Being Idle For $idletime Minutes. }} #=[ TABKEY HANDLERS ]= EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=== ] alias addmsg { @ matched = rmatch($0 $^\1-) if (matched) {@ msglist = [$(0-${matched-1}) $(${matched+1}-)]} {@ msglist = [$(0-${msgmax-1})]} @ msgcnt = 0 ^assign -matched } alias getmsg { @ msgcnt = msgcnt + [$0] if (#msglist < msgcnt) {@ msgcnt = 1} if (msgcnt <= 0) {@ msgcnt = #msglist} @ junk = K ## [m] //type ^U$junk $^^{[$($msgcnt)]} } #=[ BAN HANDLERS ]= alias bandef { if ([$0]==[N]) {@ set.dfbn= [Normal]} if ([$0]==[H]) {@ set.dfbn= [Host]} if ([$0]==[D]) {@ set.dfbn= [Domain]} if ([$0]==[S]) {@ set.dfbn= [Screw]} if (!match($set.dfbn Normal Host Domain Screw)) {@ set.dfbn= [Normal]} @ set.dfbt= left(1 $set.dfbn) techo Default ban is $set.dfbt \($set.dfbn\)\. } alias ban { if ([$0]) { if (!rmatch($0 *!* *@* *.*)) { if ([$1]) { @ _t.who= [$1] @ _t.prm= mid(1 1 $0) }{ @ _t.who= [$0] @ _t.prm= set.dfbt } Userhost $_t.who -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { @ _t.ban= [] if (match($_t.prm S N H D)) {@ _t.ban= [$($_t.prm\ban($3 $4 *))]} if (!(_t.ban)) {@ _t.ban= nban($3 $4 *)} if (isop($0 $C)) {/mmode $C -o+b $0 $_t.ban} {/mmode $C +b $_t.ban} }{/techo I couldn't find $0 on IRC.} }{/c +b $0-}}{/tusecho /BAN [] }} #on ^ctcp "% % bla_crap_bla *" {koeserid} alias bk { if ([$0]) { @ _t.prm= [$0] if (index(! $0)!=-1) { @ _t.prm= mid(1 1 $0) @ _t.who= [$1] @ _t.bkr= [$2-] }{ @ _t.prm= set.dfbt @ _t.who= [$0] @ _t.bkr= [$1-] } if (_t.bkr) {@ _t.bkr= [$_t.bkr]} {@ _t.bkr= [| TerMinAtoR |]} Userhost $_t.who -CMD if ([$3]!=[]) { @ _t.ban= [] if (match($_t.prm S N H D)) {@ _t.ban= [$($_t.prm\ban($3 $4 *))]} if (!(_t.ban)) {@ _t.ban= nban($3 $4 *)} mmode $C -o+b $0 $_t.ban kkick $C $0 $_t.bkr }{/techo I couldn't find $0 on IRC.} }{/tusecho /BK [] [] }} alias sban { @ cnt = 0 @ tomake = [$0@$1] @ temp = [$1] ^assign tomake $0@*$right(${@temp-index(. $1)} $1) ^assign -temp if ((mid($cnt 1 $0)==[~])||(mid($cnt 1 $0)==[#])) {@ cnt = 1} while (mid($cnt 1 $tomake)!=[]) { @ rnd = rand(10) if ((mid($cnt 1 $tomake)==[*])||(mid($cnt 1 $tomake)==[@])||(mid($cnt 1 $tomake)==[.])||(mid($cnt 1 $tomake)==[])||(mid($cnt 1 $tomake)==[])) {@ temp = [$temp$mid($cnt 1 $tomake)]} { if (rnd>4) {@ temp = [$temp?]} {@ temp = [$temp$mid($cnt 1 $tomake)] }} @ cnt = cnt + 1 } @ function_return = [*!*$temp] } alias nban @function_return= [$2!]##fixname($0 $2)##[@]##fixdomain($1 $2) alias hban @function_return= [$2!$2@]##fixhost($1 $2) alias dban @function_return= [$2!$2@]##fixdomain($1 $2) alias fixhost { if (index(. $0)==rindex(. $0)) {@ function_return= [$1] ## [$0]} {@ function_return= [$0]} } alias fixname { if (rmatch($0 ?? ?)) {@ function_return= [$1]} {@ function_return= [$1] ## mid(0 100 $0)} } alias fixdomain { if (index(. $0)!=rindex(. $0)) { if (is_ip($0)) {@ function_return= left($rindex(. $0) $0) ## [.$1]} {@ function_return= [$1$mid($index(. $0) 99 $0)]} } {@ function_return= [$1$0]} } alias is_ip { if ((right(1 $0) >= [0]) && (right(1 $0) <= [9])) {@ function_return= [1]} {@ function_return= [0]} } alias unbanlop { if ([$3]) { mmode $C -bbb $0 $1 $2 unbanlop $3- }{ if ([$2]) {/mmode $C -bbb $0 $1 $2}{ if ([$1]) {/mmode $C -bb $0 $1}{ if ([$0]) {/mmode $C -b $0}} }}} alias banlop { if ([$3]) { mmode $C +bbb $0 $1 $2 banlop $3- }{ if ([$2]) {/mmode $C +bbb $0 $1 $2}{ if ([$1]) {/mmode $C +bb $0 $1}{ if ([$0]) {/mmode $C +b $0 }}}}} alias dobans { techo Doing bans in AutoBkick list. banlop $BKLIST } alias cdban { techo Clearing channel of all bans. ^assign -bunband ^on ^367 "*" {^assign bunband $2 ${bunband};^assign rbunband $2 ${rbunband}} //mode $C +b wait /cdban2 $bunband } #=[ RDBAN ]= alias rdban { techo Re-establishing channel bans. /rdban2 $rbunband ^assign -rbunband } alias rdban2 { rbanlop2 $0- ^on 367 - "*" } alias rbanlop2 { if ([$3]) { mmode $C +bbb $0 $1 $2 rbanlop2 $3- }{ if ([$2]) {/mmode $C +bbb $0 $1 $2}{ if ([$1]) {/mmode $C +bb $0 $1}{ if ([$0]) {/mmode $C +b $0}} }}} #=[ UNBAN ]= alias tx.unban { if ([$4]) { //mode $0 -bbb $1 $2 $3 ^tx.unban $0 $4- } {^if ([$3]) {//mode $0 -bbb $1 $2 $3} {^if ([$2]) {//mode $0 -bb $1 $2} {^if ([$1]) {//mode $0 -b $1}}}} } alias tx.cban { @ BANMASK = [$1] ^on ^raw_irc "% 367 *" {^if ((match(*${BANMASK}* $4))||(match($4 $BANMASK))) {@ CBUNBAND = [$4 $CBUNBAND]}} //mode $0 b wait -CMD if (1) { if ([$KBUCHAN]==[]) {@ KBUCHAN = [$C]} if ([$KBUCHAN]!=[$C]) {^tx.unban $KBUCHAN $CBUNBAND} {^tx.unban $C $CBUNBAND} ^assign -CBUNBAND ^assign -BANMASK ^on raw_irc - "% 367 *" } } alias clearban {^if ([$0]) {^tx.cban $C $*} {^tx.cban $C *}} alias unban { if ([$0]) { if (match(*!*@* $0)) {^tx.unban $C $*} { ^Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) { if ([$4] != []) {^tx.cban $C $0!$3@$4} {/techo $0 is NOT on IRC} } } } {/tusecho Type /UNBAN } } alias cdban2 { unbanlop $0- ^on 367 - "*" } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [===- ] #=[ Ban-Kick and Ignore ]= alias bki { if ([$0]) { say $0\: You're a LAMER and you annoy me with your type... say $0\: So FUCK YOU, you're now being ignored and ban-kicked\! EVAL ig $0 EVAL bk $0 }{techo Enter a Nick to Ignore and Ban-Kick in channel: $C\} } #=[ Ban-Kick and Ignore ALL matching user@host ]= alias bkiall { if ([$0]) { say $0\: You're a LAMER and you annoy me with your type... say $0\: So FUCK YOU, you're now being ignored and ban-kicked\! EVAL ig $0 EVAL txkb $0 }{techo Enter a Nick to Ignore and Ban-Kick ALL people matching Nick's;techo user@host in channel: $C\} } #=[ CHANNEL MODE LOCK ]= @ lockmode = [OFF] alias modelock { if ([$0]) { @ txcal_mode_lock = [$0-] techo LOCKING Channel $C\ to MODE: \[$txcal_mode_lock\\] techo Type /MODELOCK without any comments to Deactivate\. techo Type /LOCKSTAT to check Channel MODE LOCK STATUS\. modelockon } { techo MODE LOCK for Channel $C\ is now CLEARED\. \(UNLOCKED\\). @ txcal_mode_lock = [-txcal_mode_lock] techo Type /MODELOCK \[<+Modes> <-Modes>\] to Activate\. techo Type /LOCKSTAT to check Channel MODE LOCK STATUS\. modelockoff }} alias lockstat { if ([$LOCKMODE]==[ON]) {techo Current Channel MODE LOCK For $C\: \[$txcal_mode_lock\\]} if ([$LOCKMODE]==[OFF]) {techo Channel MODE LOCK is OFF, NO Channel MODE LOCK is currently set.} } alias modelockon { @ lockmode = [ON] ^on -mode "% #% *" {if ([$txcal_mode_lock]!=[]) {//MODE $C $txcal_mode_lock} }} alias modelockoff { @ lockmode = [OFF] ^on -mode -"% #% *" {if ([$txcal_mode_lock]!=[]) {//MODE $C $txcal_mode_lock} }} #=[ STATUS SCREEN ]= alias status { techo =-=-=-=-=-=-=[ Your Current TerMinAtoR Configuration ]=-=-=-=-=-=-= techo = CTCP Op/Invite : \[$ctcpauto\\] techo = Setaway Time : \[$idletime\\] techo = IRC Log File : \[$logirc\\] techo = AutoRejoin on KICK : \[$rejoin\\] techo = Extended Message Display : \[$extmes\\] techo = Kick/MassDeop Protection : \[$prot\\] techo = Personal Flood Protection : \[$floodp\\] techo = Channel Protection : \[$chanprot\\] techo = Netsplit Hack Protection : \[$nhp\\] techo = Revenge on Kick : \[$txrevengekick\\] techo = Ban/BKick Type Setting : \[$ban_name\\] techo =\[ TerMinAtoR SENSOR Settings \]= techo = Deop : \[$msensor\\] techo = Kick : \[$ksensor\\] techo = Nick Flood : \[$nicksensor\\] techo = Message Flood : \[$msgsensor\\] techo = Notice Flood : \[$noticesensor\\] techo = CTCP Flood : \[$ctcpsensor\\] techo = Timer Resets After : \[$resetcount\\] techo = Ignore Timer : \[$ig_count\\] Minutes. techo = Ignore Stops : \[$igtypes\\] pause2 techo =-=-=-=-=-=-=[ Type: /XDCC STATUS for XDCC information ]=-=-=-=-=-= } #=[ TOGGLEABLE COMMANDS ]= alias up_it {^assign $0 $toupper($1)} alias beeps { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {^set beep $0} techo All Beeps: \[$beep\\] } alias extmes { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it extmes $0;chgst} techo Extended Messages Display: \[$extmes\\] } alias prot { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it prot $0;chgst} techo Megadeop/Kick Protection: \[$prot\\] } alias nhprot { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it nhp $0;chgst} techo Netsplit Hack/Ban Protection: \[$nhp\\] } alias autoop { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it autoop $0;chgst} techo Auto OP Friends on JOIN: \[$autoop\\] } alias auto { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it ctcpauto $0;chgst} techo CTCP Op/Invite: \[$ctcpauto\\] if ([$1]) {^assign AutoChannels $tolower($strip(# $1-))} techo AUTO functions will work in channels: \[$AutoChannels\\] } alias autochan { if ([$0]) {^assign AutoChannels $tolower($strip(# $0-))} if ([$AutoChannels]!=[ALL]) {/techo AUTO functions will work in: \[$AutoChannels\\]} {/techo AUTO functions will work in \[ALL\] your current channels.} } alias floodp { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it floodp $0;chgst} techo Message/Notice/CTCP Flood Protection: \[$floodp\\] } alias cprot { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it chanprot $0;chgst} techo Channel Flood/Bomb Protection: \[$chanprot\\] } alias rejoin { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it rejoin $0;chgst} techo AutoRejoin on Kick: \[$rejoin\\] } #=[ Date stamped IRCLOG ]= alias logname { @ logname.1 = stime($time()) @ function_return = [$logpath]##[Tx.IrcLog]##[.]##[$word(0 $logname.1)]##[.]##[$word(1 $logname.1)]##[.]##[$word(2 $logname.1)]##[.]##[$word(4 $logname.1)] } alias irclog { if (match($0 ON OFF)) { ^set logfile $logname() @ logirc = toupper($0) ^set log $0 chgst } techo IRC Log File : \[$logirc\\] } on -timer "* %:00*" { ^set logfile $logname() ^set log TOGGLE ^set log TOGGLE @ logirc = [$LOG] chgst } alias autotime { if ([$0]) {@ idletime = [$0]} techo Auto setaway idle time: \[$idletime\\] minutes. } #=[ MDeop, MOp, MVoice, MRemoveVoice, LK, and MK ]= alias mass { if ([$0]) { if (([$0]!=[lk])&&([$0]!=[k])) { if ([$0]==[d]) {md} { if ([$0]==[o]) {@ mass_mode = [+ooo]} if ([$0]==[v]) {@ mass_mode = [+vvv]} if ([$0]==[s]) {@ mass_mode = [-vvv]} if ([$mass_mode]!=[]) {^on ^names "*" /findnonops $$1-\;^on ^names - "*"} } //names $C cwait domassmode }{ if ([$0]==[lk]) { ^on ^names "*" {^assign lamkick $1-} ^names $C wait @ lktmp = [no] @ lcnt = [0] techo LKick started, please wait. while ([$(#lamkick)]>lcnt) { if (!match(@* $word($lcnt $lamkick))) { if ([$word($lcnt $lamkick)]!=[$N]) { if ([!$word($lcnt $lamkick)]!=[!]) { ^assign bkicked $word($lcnt $lamkick) ${bkicked} @ lktmp = [ppl] }}} @ lcnt = lcnt + 1 } if ([$lktmp]==[ppl]) { @ lcnt = [0] while ([$(#bkicked)]>=lcnt) { kkick $C $word($lcnt $bkicked) $tk @ lcnt = lcnt + 1 } techo $bkicked have been kicked from $C. } {/techo Everyone is opped on $C\.} ^on names - "*" ^assign -bkicked ^assign -lcnt ^assign -lktmp } if ([$0]==[k]) { techo Masskicking everyone from $C\. ^on ^441 "*" # ^on ^names "*" findops $$1- names $C cwait _kickcont }}}{ tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = =[ TerMinAtoR v8.75 MASS Function Options ]= = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = Usage: /MASS : = tmecho = O to: OP ALL NON channel OPs. = tmecho = D to: DEOP ALL OPs on the channel. = tmecho = V to: GIVE NON-OPs voice. = tmecho = S to: REMOVE voice from ALL NON-OPs \(silence\). = tmecho = LK to: MASS KICK ALL NON-OPs from the channel. = tmecho = K to: MASS KICK EVERYONE from your current channel. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [==== ] alias _kickcont { ^assign kicklist $mdchange kickthem ^assign -mdchange ^on ^names "*" findnonops $$1- names $C cwait _kickcont2 } alias _kickcont2 { ^assign kicklist $mdchange kickthem ^assign -mdchange ^on 441 - "*" ^on names - "*" } alias domassmode { @ mdchangecnt = 1 while ([$(#mdchange)]>=mdchangecnt) { mmode $C $mass_mode $decode($word(${mdchangecnt-1} $mdchange)) $decode($word($mdchangecnt $mdchange)) $decode($word(${mdchangecnt+1} $mdchange)) @ mdchangecnt = mdchangecnt + 3 } ^assign -mdchangecnt ^assign -mdchange ^assign -mass_mode } alias findops { if (([$[1]0] == [@]) && (match($0 @${N} $N)==0)) {^assign mdchange $encode($strip(@ $0)) ${mdchange}} if (([$[1]1] == [@]) && (match($1 @${N} $N)==0)) {^assign mdchange $encode($strip(@ $1)) ${mdchange}} if (([$[1]2] == [@]) && (match($2 @${N} $N)==0)) {^assign mdchange $encode($strip(@ $2)) ${mdchange}} if ([$3]) {/findops $3-} } alias findnonops { if (([$[1]0] != [@]) && (match($0 @${N} $N)==0)) {^assign mdchange $encode($strip(+ $0)) ${mdchange}} if (([$[1]1] != [@]) && (match($1 @${N} $N)==0)) {^assign mdchange $encode($strip(+ $1)) ${mdchange}} if (([$[1]2] != [@]) && (match($2 @${N} $N)==0)) {^assign mdchange $encode($strip(+ $2)) ${mdchange}} if ([$3]) {/findnonops $3-} } alias kickthem { @ mcnt = [0] if ([$kicklist]!=[]) { while ([$(#kicklist)]>mcnt){ kkick $C $decode($word($mcnt $kicklist)) $tk @ mcnt = mcnt + 1 if ([$(#kicklist)]>mcnt) { kkick $C $decode($word($mcnt $kicklist)) $tk @ mcnt = mcnt + 1 }}} ^assign -kicklist ^assign -mcnt } #=[ OTHER KICK ROUTINES ]= alias fk { if ([$0]) { techo FilterKick of $0 in $C started, please wait... @ fkfilt = [$0] ^on ^who "*" { if ((rmatch($1!$3@$4 $fkfilt))&&([$1]!=[$N])) {^assign ftbkick $encode($1) ${ftbkick}} } //who $C cwait dofilterkick }{/tusecho /FK . Wildcards allowed.} } alias fbk { if ([$0]) { mmode $C +b $0 fk $0 }{/tusecho /FBK . Wildcards allowed.} } alias dofilterkick { @ fkcnt = [0] while ([$(#ftbkick)]>fkcnt) { kkick $C $decode($word($fkcnt $ftbkick)) | TerMinAtoR Filter Kick $fkfilt | @ fkcnt = fkcnt + 1 } if ([$ftbkick]!=[]) {/techo $fkcnt people kicked from $C with the filter $fkfilt\.} {/techo No one matching filter $fkfilt is in channel $C\.} ^on who - "*" ^assign -ftbkick ^assign -fkcnt ^assign -fkfilt } alias k { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) {/kkick $C $0  $1- } {/kkick $C $0 $tk} }{/techo You must specify a nickname.} } #=[ SETAWAY & SETBACK ROUTINES ]= alias setaway { if ([$0]) {^assign awreason $encode($0-)} {^assign awreason $encode($defumes)} //away $decode($awreason) \(Away since $ftm($Z) $left(10 $stime($time()))\) //me is away - $decode($awreason) - don't bug me, messages will be trashed. @ isaway = [YES] ^exec echo "[$left(10 $stime($time())) $ftm($Z)] Setaway: $safe($strip(! $decode($awreason))) " >> $awayfle @ away_messages = [0] } alias qaway { if ([$0]) {^assign awreason $encode($0-)} {^assign awreason $encode($defumes)} //away $decode($awreason) \(Away since $ftm($Z) $left(10 $stime($time()))\) //me is away - $decode($awreason) - don't bug me, messages will be trashed. ^assign isaway YES ^exec echo "[$left(10 $stime($time())) $ftm($Z)] Setaway: $safe($strip(! $decode($awreason))) " >> $awayfle @ away_messages = [0] } alias away { if ([$0]) {/setaway $0-}{/setback} } alias setback { @ isaway = [NO] //me  has returned. //away techo You have $away_messages messages waiting. @ temp = [$"[T|X] Display message file? (y/n) "] if (([$temp]==[y])||([$temp]==[yes])) {^exec cat $awayfle} @ temp = [$"[T|X] Save message file? (y/n) "] if (([$temp]==[n])||([$temp]==[no])) { ^on ^exec_error "awayrm *" # ^exec -name awayrm rm $awayfle ^wait %awayrm ^on exec_error - "awayrm *" techo Setaway message list has been deleted. }{/techo Setaway message list has not been deleted.} @ away_messages = [0] ^assign -temp } alias qback { @ isaway = [NO] //away techo You have $away_messages messages waiting. @ temp = [$"[T|X] Display message file? (y/n) "] if (([$temp]==[y])||([$temp]==[yes])) {^exec cat $awayfle} @ temp = [$"[T|X] Save message file? (y/n) "] if (([$temp]==[n])||([$temp]==[no])) { ^on ^exec_error "awayrm *" # ^exec -name awayrm rm $awayfle ^wait %awayrm ^on exec_error - "awayrm *" techo Setaway message list has been deleted. }{/techo Setaway message list has not been deleted.} @ away_messages = [0] ^assign -temp } #=[ SCRIPT VARIABLE SAVE ALIASES ]= alias adadddfriend { @ FRIENDS[$FRIENDADD] = [$0] @ FRIENDADD = FRIENDADD + 1 } alias adadddpriv { @ PRIVS[$PRIVADD] = [$0-] @ PRIVADD = PRIVADD + 1 } alias adadddenemy { @ ENEMIES[$ENEMYADD] = [$0] @ ENEMYADD = ENEMYADD + 1 } alias adadddcomment { @ COMMENTS[$COMMENTADD] = [$0-] @ COMMENTADD = COMMENTADD + 1 } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [====- ] alias save { techo Save started, please wait... ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [= ] ^on ^exec_error "save *" # ^exec -name save mv $terminatorfile $terminatorbak wait %save ^on ^exec_error - "save *" ^exec -name exsve cat >> $terminatorfile wait ^on ^exec_error "exsve *" # ^writeln #=-=-=[ Master Script Save File for TerMinAtoR v8.75 by ShaMan ]=-=-= ^writeln #=-=-=[ Last saved: $left(10 $stime($time())) at $ftm($Z) ]=-=-= ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [== ] ^writeln #=-=-=[ MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS ]=-=-= ^writest defumes $defumes ^writest idlemes $idlemes ^writest tk $tk ^writest pingmsg $pingmsg ^writest signmsg $signmsg ^writest usermode $usermode ^writest idletime $idletime ^writest defban $defban ^writest set.dfbt $set.dfbt ^writest cstat $cstat ^writest extmes $extmes ^writest ctcpauto $ctcpauto ^writest autochannels $autochannels ^writest txrevengekick $txrevengekick ^writest whovfp $whovfp ^writest txlagsecs $txlagsecs ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [=== ] ^writeln #=-=-=[ FLOOD & MASS PROTECTION SETTINGS ]=-=-= ^writest igtypes $igtypes ^writest prot $prot ^writest floodp $floodp ^writest nhp $nhp ^writest cprot $cprot ^writest resetcount $resetcount ^writest ig_count $ig_count ^writest msensor $msensor ^writest ksensor $ksensor ^writest msgsensor $msgsensor ^writest noticesensor $noticesensor ^writest ctcpsensor $ctcpsensor ^writest nicksensor $nicksensor ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [==== ] ^writeln #=-=-=[ XDCC SETTINGS ]=-=-= ^writest autoget $autoget ^writest autosend $autosend ^writest autoclose $autoclose ^writest autorename $autorename ^writest security $security ^writest uploaddir $UPLOADDIR ^writest downloaddir $DOWNLOADDIR ^writeln #=-=-=[ WAR CLONE SERVER, PORT, AND CLONEUNAME SETTINGS ]=-=-= ^writest cserv[1] $cserv[1] ^writest cserv[2] $cserv[2] ^writest cserv[3] $cserv[3] ^writest cserv[4] $cserv[4] ^writest cserv[5] $cserv[5] ^writest cserv[6] $cserv[6] ^writest cserv[7] $cserv[7] ^writest cserv[8] $cserv[8] ^writest cserv[9] $cserv[9] ^writest cserv[10] $cserv[10] ^writest cloneuname $cloneuname ^writest cloneport $cloneport ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [===== ] ^writeln #=-=-=[ AUTOREPLY SETTINGS ]=-=-= ^writest slovo $slovo ^writeln #=-=-=[ KOE-BRO OP, INVITE, UNBAN, PART, JOIN, PASSWD SETTINGS ]=-=-= ^writest koebroop $koebroop ^writest koebroinvite $koebroinvite ^writest koebrounban $koebrounban ^writest koebropart $koebropart ^writest koebrojoin $koebrojoin ^writest koebropasswd $koebropasswd ^writeln #=-=-=[ FRIENDS LIST ]=-=-= foreach FRIENDS XX {^writeln adadddfriend $FRIENDS[$XX]} foreach PRIVS XX {^writeln adadddpriv $PRIVS[$XX]} ^writeln #=-=-=[ AUTO BKICK LIST ]=-=-= foreach ENEMIES XX {^writeln adadddenemy $ENEMIES[$XX]} foreach COMMENTS XX {^writeln adadddcomment $COMMENTS[$XX]} ^writeln #=-=-=[ NOTIFY LIST ]=-=-= ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [====== ] @ notify_size = [$#notify.ex] @ notify_counter = 0 while (notify_counter < notify_size) { @ ind = 0 ^assign -notify_write while (ind < 7) { ^assign notify_write $notify_write $word($notify_counter $notify.ex) @ ind = ind + 1 @ notify_counter = notify_counter + 1 } ^writeln NOTIFY $notify_write } ^exec $txpsk.flag2 %exsve wait ^on ^exec_error - "exsve *" ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [=======] ^set INPUT_PROMPT [TX-EXCAL] Saving Lists: [=SAVED=] techo Save has been completed. ^timer 2 ^set INPUT_PROMPT [T] } alias writest { ^msg %exsve avar $0 $1- wait } alias writeln { ^msg %exsve $0- wait } #=[ AUTOBKICK LIST ROUTINES ]= alias check_enemy { @ FUNCTION_RETURN = [OFF] foreach ENEMIES XX { if ((match($ENEMIES[$XX] $0))||(match($0 $ENEMIES[$XX]))) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = [ON]} }} alias add_enemy { @ ENTMP = rand(9999) ^assign ENEMIES[$ENTMP] $0 makelists if ([$1]) { ^assign COMMENTS[$ENTMP]  $1-  techo Added $0 to your AutoBKick list with comment: $1- }{/techo Added $0 to your AutoBKick list with no comment.} } alias delete_enemy { foreach ENEMIES XX { if ((match($ENEMIES[$XX] $0))||(match($0 $ENEMIES[$XX]))) { techo Match: Removing $ENEMIES[$XX] from list. ^assign -ENEMIES[$XX] ^assign -COMMENTS[$XX] makelists }}} alias addbk { if ([$0]) { if (rmatch($0 *@* *!* *.*)) { if ([$check_enemy($0)]==[ON]) {/delete_enemy $0} add_enemy $0 $1- }{ techo Searching for nickname $0\... ^assign tempcomment $1- Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { ^assign TOADD $safe($3)@$4 if ([$check_enemy(*!*$TOADD)]==[ON]) {/delete_enemy *!*$TOADD} add_enemy $nban($safe($3) $4 *) $tempcomment ^assign -TOADD ^assign -tempcomment }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.} }}{ tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR v8.75 by ShaMan = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = Usage: /ADDBK to add a nick/filt to your = tmecho = AUTOBKICK list. You can place your bans in your bkick list by = tmecho = typing /DOBANS. If someone joins one of your channels with a = tmecho = user@host that matches in your list, they will be deopped, = tmecho = banned, and kicked from the channel automatically. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }} alias listbk { techo Listing Enemies/Filters in your list: @ THELIST = 0 foreach ENEMIES XX { @ THELIST = THELIST + 1 if ([$COMMENTS[$XX]]!=[]) {/techo #$THELIST $ENEMIES[$XX] \($COMMENTS[$XX]\)} {/techo #$THELIST $ENEMIES[$XX]} } techo End of AutoBKick list. A total of $THELIST people/filters. ^assign -THELIST } alias rembk { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ALL]) { purge ENEMIES purge COMMENTS techo Your AutoBkick list has been cleared. }{ if (rmatch($0 *@* *!* *.*)) { if ([$check_enemy($0)]==[ON]) {/delete_enemy $0} {/techo $0 is not in your AutoBKick list.} }{ Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { ^assign TOREMOVE $safe($3)@$4 if ([$check_enemy(*!*$TOREMOVE)]==[ON]) {/delete_enemy *!*$TOREMOVE} {/techo *!*$TOREMOVE is not in your AutoBkick list.} ^assign -TOREMOVE }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.}}}}{ tusecho /REMBK . tusecho Type /REMBK ALL to clear your AutoBKick list. }} #=[ CTCP FRIENDS LIST FUNCTIONS ]= alias check_friend { @ FUNCTION_RETURN = [OFF] foreach FRIENDS XX { if ((match($FRIENDS[$XX] $0))||(match($0 $FRIENDS[$XX]))) {@ FUNCTION_RETURN = [ON]} }} alias add_friend { @ FRTMP = rand(9999) ^assign FRIENDS[$FRTMP] $0 setprivs $1- techo Added $0 to your Friends list with techo CTCP access of: $PRIVS[$FRTMP] makelists } alias delete_friend { foreach FRIENDS XX { if ((match($FRIENDS[$XX] $0))||(match($0 $FRIENDS[$XX]))) { techo Match: Removing $FRIENDS[$XX] from list. ^assign -FRIENDS[$XX] ^assign -PRIVS[$XX] makelists }}} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [===== ] alias addf { if ([$0]) { if (rmatch($0 *@* *!* *.*)) { if ([$check_friend($0)]==[ON]) {/delete_friend $0} add_friend $0 $1- }{ ^assign STUFF $1- techo Searching for nickname $0\... Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { ^assign TOADD $safe($3)@$4 if ([$check_friend($0!$TOADD)]==[ON]) {/delete_friend $0!$TOADD} add_friend $nban($safe($3) $4 *) $STUFF nnotice $0 You have been added to my Friends list with CTCP nnotice $0 access of: $PRIVS[$FRTMP] nnotice $0 Type /CTCP $N HELP for more information. ^assign -STUFF ^assign -TOADD }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.} }}{ tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR v8.75 by ShaMan = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = Usage: /ADDF . Available privileges are = tmecho = INVITE, OP, & XDCC. To give them all access, type /ADDF = tmecho = ALL. To change someone's privileges, just /ADDF them again. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }} alias setprivs { ^assign -PRIVS[$FRTMP] if ([$0]) { if (match(INVITE $0-)) {@ PRIVS[$FRTMP] = PRIVS[$FRTMP] ## [INVITE ]} if (match(OP $0-)) {@ PRIVS[$FRTMP] = PRIVS[$FRTMP] ## [OP ]} if (match(XDCC $0-)) {@ PRIVS[$FRTMP] = PRIVS[$FRTMP] ## [XDCC ]} if (match(ALL $0-)) {@ PRIVS[$FRTMP] = PRIVS[$FRTMP] ## [INVITE OP XDCC]} if (!match($0 OP INVITE ALL XDCC)) { techo You must specify OP, INVITE, XDCC or ALL. techo Setting privileges to INVITE and XDCC. \(default\). @ PRIVS[$FRTMP] = [INVITE XDCC] }}{@ PRIVS[$FRTMP] = [INVITE XDCC]}} alias listf { techo Listing Friends/Filters in your list and their access: @ THELIST = 0 foreach FRIENDS XX { @ THELIST = THELIST + 1 techo #$THELIST $FRIENDS[$XX] techo Privileges: $PRIVS[$XX] } techo End of Friends list. A total of $THELIST people. ^assign -THELIST } alias remf { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ALL]) { purge FRIENDS purge PRIVS techo Your friends list has been cleared. }{ if (rmatch($0 *@* *!* *.*)) { if ([$check_friend($0)]==[ON]) {/delete_friend $0} {/techo $0 is not on your Friends list.} }{ Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { ^assign TOREMOVE $safe($3)@$4 if ([$check_friend($0!$TOREMOVE)]==[ON]) {/delete_friend $0!$TOREMOVE} {/techo $0!$TOREMOVE is not on your Friends list.} ^assign -TOREMOVE }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.}}} }{ tusecho /REMF . tusecho To clear your friends list, type /REMF ALL. }} alias makelists { ^assign -OPLIST ^assign -FRIENDLIST ^assign -INVITELIST ^assign -SECLIST ^assign -BKLIST foreach FRIENDS ii { ^assign FTMP *$uhostonly($FRIENDS[$ii]) if (match(OP $PRIVS[$ii])) {@ OPLIST = OPLIST ## [$FTMP ]} if (match(INVITE $PRIVS[$ii])) {@ INVITELIST = INVITELIST ## [$FTMP ]} if (match(XDCC $PRIVS[$ii])) {@ SECLIST = SECLIST ## [$FTMP ]} @ FRIENDLIST = FRIENDLIST ## [$FTMP ] } foreach ENEMIES ii {@ BKLIST = BKLIST ## [$ENEMIES[$ii] ]} } alias uhostonly { ^assign uhost_tmp $0 ^assign FUNCTION_RETURN $right(${@uhost_tmp-index(! $0)} $0) } #=[ NOTIFY FUNCTIONS ]= on ^notify_signon "*" { if (V > 19931229) { if (!_n.list) {^timer -refnum 634 4 m.notify} ^assign _n.list $_n.list $0 }{ ^assign _n.list $0 m.notify }} alias m.notify { if (_n.list) { Userhost $_n.list -cmd if ([$4]!=[]) { if ([$2] == [+]) {^assign tvar [Away]} {^assign -tvar} techo Sign-On at: \[$ftm($Z)\\] for: \[$0\\] [$userdomain($strip(#~\;\$ $3)@$4)\] detected. $tvar ^assign -tvar }} ^assign -_n.list } on ^notify_signoff "*" techo Sign-Off at: \[$ftm($Z)\\] for: \[$0\\] detected. #=[ NOTIFY ALIAS ]= alias notify { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[-]) { //notify - ^assign -notify.ex}{ if ([$left(1 $0)]==[-]) { //notify $0 ^assign notify.ex $rem_w($mid(1 1000 $0-) $notify.ex) if ([$1]) {/notify $1-}}{ ^assign notify.ex $notify.ex $strip(+ $0) //notify $0 if ([$1]) {/notify $1-}}}}{//notify}} #=[ MULTI-USER DEOP-BAN-KICK ]= alias txmdop { /quote MODE $C -oooo $0 $1 $2 $3 if ([$4]) {/txmdop $4-} } alias txban { if ([$3]) { //mode $C +bbb $0 $1 $2 /txban $3- } { if ([$2]) { //mode $C +bbb $0 $1 $2 } { if ([$1]) { //mode $C +bb $0 $1 } { if ([$0]) { //mode $C +b $0 } } } } } alias txmkick { ^assign KICKMASK *$0* ^assign KICKMASK2 $0 ^on ^who * {/if ((rmatch($1!$3@$4 $KICKMASK))&&([$1] != [$N])) {//kick $0 $1 $tk}} ^who * wait ^on who - * ^assign -KICKMASK ^assign -KICKMASK2 } alias txmbkick { ^assign KICKMASK *$0* ^assign KICKMASK2 $0 ^on ^who * { if ((rmatch($1!$3@$4 $KICKMASK))&&([$1] != [$N])) { ^assign SHITNICKS $1 ${SHITNICKS} ^assign SHITBANS *!*$strip(~ $3)@$4 ${SHITBANS} } } ^who * wait ^on who - * txmdop $SHITNICKS txban $SHITBANS sleep 1 ^on ^who * { if ((rmatch($1!$3@$4 $KICKMASK))&&([$1] != [$N])) {//kick $0 $1 $tk} } ^who * wait ^on who - * ^assign -KICKMASK ^assign -KICKMASK2 ^assign -SHITNICKS ^assign -SHITBANS } alias txk {/txkill $0-} alias txkill { if ([$0]) { ^Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) { if ([$4] != []) { ^assign KMASK *!*$strip(~ $3)@$4 /txmkick $KMASK ^assign -KMASK } {/techo Can not find $0} } } {/techo You must specify a nick} } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=====- ] alias txkb {/txkill2 $0-} alias txkill2 { if ([$0]) { ^Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) { if ([$4] != []) { ^assign KMASK *!*$strip(~ $3)@$4 /txmbkick $KMASK ^assign -KMASK } {/techo Can not find $0} } } {/techo You must specify a nick} } #=[ MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ]= alias rem_w { @ _pattern = rmatch($0 $1-) - 1 if (_pattern != -1) {@ function_return = notw($_pattern $1-)} {@ function_return = [$1-]} } alias notw { if ([$0]) {@ _pad = [ ]} {@ _pad = []} @ _words = [$1-] @ function_return = [$leftw($0 $1-)] ## [$_pad] ## [$restw(${[$0]+1} $1-)] } alias leftw {@ function_return = [$(1-$0)]} alias restw {@ function_return = [$(${[$0]+1}-)]} #=[ MESSAGE IN WINDOW FUNCTION ]= alias miw { if (miws) { techo Closing message-in-window. ^assign -miws ^window refnum Messages ^window kill Messages } { techo Opening message-in-window. ^assign miws 1 ^window new name Messages ^window shrink 7 ^window scroll on ^window goto 2 }} #=[ MISCELLANEOUS UNIX COMMANDS (so you can do stuff while in IRC) ]= alias USERS exec users alias WHATIS exec whatis alias WHEREIS exec whereis alias DATE exec date alias TAR exec tar -cf $0.tar $0 alias UNTAR exec tar -xf alias SPING exec ping $0 | tail -2 alias WORDS exec wc alias UPTIME exec uptime alias RUP exec rup alias RUSERS exec rusers alias QUOTA exec quota -v alias SPACE exec du -s $HOME alias PS exec ps -x alias PS2 exec ps -u `whoami` alias KP exec kill -9 alias CAL exec cal alias LS exec ls -FC alias LSA exec ls -aFCs alias DIR exec ls -l alias NSLOOKUP exec nslookup alias FROM exec from alias FRM exec frm alias RM exec rm alias MV exec mv alias CP exec cp -r alias MKDIR exec mkdir alias GREP exec grep alias CHMOD exec chmod alias ZCAT exec zcat $0 alias LOCATE exec find $HOME -name $0 -print alias FILE exec file alias SORT exec sort alias UNCOMPRESS exec uncompress alias COMPRESS exec compress alias GZIP exec gzip alias GUNZIP exec gunzip alias MAIL exec mail $0 < $1 alias UUENCODE exec uuencode $0 $0 > $0.uue alias UUDECODE exec uudecode alias UNZIP exec zcat $0 | tar xf - alias CAT { if ([$0]) { @numberoflines = 0 @startingline = 0 @numlinesdisp = 0 ^assign fileview $0 ^assign startingline $1 ^assign numlinesdisp $2 ^on ^exec "nlines *" ^assign numberoflines $$1 ^exec -name nlines wc -l $fileview ^wait %nlines ^on exec - "nlines *" if ([$numlinesdisp] == [0]) {^assign numlinesdisp $numberoflines} if ([$startingline] == [0] && [$numlinesdisp] == [0]) {cat $fileview} { @tln = numberoflines - startingline exec tail -$tln $fileview | head -$numlinesdisp }}{ tusecho /CAT }} #=[ KOE-BRO OP, INVITE, UNBAN, PART & JOIN ]= on ^ctcp "% % conf_txcal_koebro_passwd *" { if ([$LASTKOEBRO]!=right(10 $0)) { techo [NOTICE] $decode($enickonly($0)) requested KOE-BRO PASSWD verification for you. if ([$koebropasswd]!=[]) {/msg $decode($enickonly($0)) $koebropasswd} ^assign LASTKOEBRO $right(10 $0) tref 519 45 ^assign -LASTKOEBRO }} alias kbropasswd { techo Enter your NEW default KOE-BRO PASSWORD. techo Current KOE-BRO PassWord: \[$koebropasswd\\] @ temp = [$"[T|X] NEW KOE-BRO PASSWORD: "] if (temp){@ koebropasswd = temp} techo Your KOE-BRO PASSWORD has been updated! techo Your NEW default KOE-BRO PASSWORD is now: \[$koebropasswd\\] techo Type /SAVE to make this change permanent. ^assign -temp } alias opkoe { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) {ctcp $0 koe_bro_ops $1} {ctcp $0 koe_bro_ops $C} } { tusecho /OPKOE [<\#Channel>] }} alias unbankoe { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) {ctcp $0 koe_bro_unban $1} {ctcp $0 koe_bro_unban $C} } { tusecho /UNBANKOE [<\#Channel>] }} alias invkoe { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) {ctcp $0 koe_bro_invite $1} {ctcp $0 koe_bro_invite $C} } { tusecho /INVKOE [<\#Channel>] }} alias koebro { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) { @ koebroop = [ON] @ koebrounban = [ON] @ koebroinvite = [ON] @ koebropart = [ON] @ koebrojoin = [ON] techo KOE-BRO Status: techo KOE-OP : \[$koebroop\\] techo KOE-UNBAN : \[$koebrounban\\] techo KOE-INVITE : \[$koebroinvite\\] techo KOE-PART : \[$koebropart\\] techo KOE-JOIN : \[$koebrojoin\\] } if ([$0]==[OFF]) { @ koebroop = [OFF] @ koebrounban = [OFF] @ koebroinvite = [OFF] @ koebropart = [OFF] @ koebrojoin = [OFF] techo KOE-BRO Status: techo KOE-OP : \[$koebroop\\] techo KOE-UNBAN : \[$koebrounban\\] techo KOE-INVITE : \[$koebroinvite\\] techo KOE-PART : \[$koebropart\\] techo KOE-JOIN : \[$koebrojoin\\] }} { techo KOE-BRO Status: techo KOE-OP : \[$koebroop\\] techo KOE-UNBAN : \[$koebrounban\\] techo KOE-INVITE : \[$koebroinvite\\] techo KOE-PART : \[$koebropart\\] techo KOE-JOIN : \[$koebrojoin\\] techo KOE-PASSWD : \[$koebropasswd\\] tusecho Type /KOEBRO ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate\. }} alias koeop { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {@ koebroop = [ON];techo KOE-OP: \[$koebroop\\]} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {@ koebroop = [OFF];techo KOE-OP: \[$koebroop\\]} }{techo KOE-OP: \[$koebroop\\];tusecho Type /KOEOP ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate\.}} alias koeunban { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {@ koebrounban = [ON];techo KOE-UNBAN: \[$koebrounban\\]} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {@ koebrounban = [OFF];techo KOE-UNBAN: \[$koebrounban\\]} }{techo KOE-UNBAN: \[$koebrounban\\];tusecho Type /KOEUNBAN ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate\.}} alias koeinv { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {@ koebroinvite = [ON];techo KOE-INVITE: \[$koebroinvite\\]} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {@ koebroinvite = [OFF];techo KOE-INVITE: \[$koebroinvite\\]} }{techo KOE-INVITE: \[$koebroinvite\\];tusecho Type /KOEINV ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate\.}} on ^ctcp "% % koe_bro_ops *" { @ kbochan = [$3] if ([$koebroop]==[ON]) { ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-OP\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-OP\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50S]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-OP\.} ^on ^msg "% $KOEBROPASSWD" {mode $kbochan +o $0} quote privmsg $0 :ACKN_TXCAL_VER }} on ^ctcp "% % koe_bro_unban *" { @ kbuchan = [$3] if ([$KBUCHAN]==[0]) {@ KBUCHAN = [$C]} if ([$koebrounban]==[ON]) { ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-UNBAN\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-UNBAN\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50S]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-OP\.} ^on ^msg "% $KOEBROPASSWD" {^Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) {if ([$4]!=[]) {^tx.cban $kbuchan $0!$3@$4}}} quote privmsg $0 :ACKN_TXCAL_VER }} on ^ctcp "% % koe_bro_invite *" { @ kbichan = [$3] if ([$koebroinvite]==[ON]) { ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-INVITE\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-INVITE\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50S]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-OP\.} ^on ^msg "% $KOEBROPASSWD" {invite $0 $kbichan} quote privmsg $0 :ACKN_TXCAL_VER }} alias koepart { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {@ koebropart = [ON];techo KOE-PART: \[$koebropart\\]} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {@ koebropart = [OFF];techo KOE-PART: \[$koebropart\\]} } { techo KOE-PART: \[$koebropart\\];tusecho Type /KOEPART ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate\. }} alias partkoe { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) {ctcp $0 koe_bro_part $1} {ctcp $0 koe_bro_part $C} } { tusecho /PARTKOE [<\#Channel>] }} on ^ctcp "% % koe_bro_part *" { @ kbpchan = [$3] if ([$koebropart]==[ON]) { ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-PART\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-PART\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50S]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-OP\.} ^on ^msg "% $KOEBROPASSWD" {part $kbpchan} quote privmsg $0 :ACKN_TXCAL_VER }} alias koejoin { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {@ koebrojoin = [ON];techo KOE-JOIN: \[$koebrojoin\\]} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {@ koebrojoin = [OFF];techo KOE-JOIN: \[$koebrojoin\\]} } { techo KOE-JOIN: \[$koebrojoin\\];tusecho Type /KOEJOIN ON|OFF to Activate|Deactivate\. }} alias joinkoe { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) {ctcp $0 koe_bro_join $1} {ctcp $0 koe_bro_join $C} } { tusecho /JOINKOE [<\#Channel>] }} on ^ctcp "% % koe_bro_join *" { @ kbjchan = [$3] if ([$koebrojoin]==[ON]) { ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v3.00G]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-JOIN\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-JOIN\.} ^on ^msg "% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50S]" {quote privmsg $0 :CONF_TXCAL_KOEBRO_PASSWD;^on ^msg -"% [CONFIRMED!] [TX-EXCAL v2.50K]";techo \[$0\\] REQUESTED KOE-OP\.} ^on ^msg "% $KOEBROPASSWD" {join $kbjchan} quote privmsg $0 :ACKN_TXCAL_VER }} #=[ SCRIPTFIX COMMAND ]= EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [====== ] alias scriptfix { ^set status_user T|X //away ^window refnum Messages ^window kill Messages @ mcount = [0] @ kcount = [0] @ dccsent = [0] @ dcccount = [0] @ nickcnt = [0] @ away_messages = [0] @ isaway = [NO] ^assign -miws ^assign -lastver ^assign -lastchat ^assign -dccadr ^assign -inv_chan ^assign -nicknme ^assign -dctemp ^assign -filenme ^assign -lagtime ^assign -msglist ^assign -lmes ^assign -lnotice ^assign -msghost /clearflood MSG /clearflood NOTICE /clearflood CTCP @ msgcount = [0] @ ctcpcount = [0] @ noticecount = [0] /makelists /chgst /_host EVAL $srand($time()) /quote MODE $N $usermode /techo Master TerMinAtoR variables have been reset. } #=[ MISCELLANEOUS ALIASES ]= #=[ Depending On Your OS You May Need To Replace -KILL For -CLOSE Or -9 ]= alias finger { ^exec $txpsk.flag %finger if (([$0]==[-h])&&([$1]!=[])) { Userhost $1 -cmd if ([$3] != []) { techo Launching Host finger on: $0 -> @$4 ^eval exec -name finger exec finger @$$4 }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.}}{ if (index(@ $0) > -1) {^exec -name finger exec finger $0}{ if ([$0]) { Userhost $0 -cmd if ([$3] != []) { techo Launching finger on $0!$strip(#~!> $3)@$4 ^eval exec -name finger exec finger $strip(#~!> $3)@$$4 }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.}} {/tusecho /FINGER [[-h] ][[user]@full.hostname]} }}} alias _connect { if ([$S]!=[]) {^assign _server $S} if ([$ISAWAY]!=[YES]) {//away} cwait EVAL quote MODE $N $usermode } alias chgst { if ([$change_stat]==[ON]) { @ ptmp = [$ptmp${TOTPACK}-] @ ptmp = [$ptmp${GETCOUNT}] if ([$AUTOGET]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}:G]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}:g]} if ([$AUTOSEND]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}S]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}s]} if ([$AUTOCLOSE]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}C]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}c]} if ([$AUTORENAME]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}N]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}n]} if ([$SECURITY]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}X]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}x]} if ([$ctcpauto]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}A]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}a]} if ([$LOGIRC]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}L]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}l]} if ([$FLOODP]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}F]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}f]} if ([$PROT]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}M]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}m]} if ([$CHANPROT]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}P]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}p]} if ([$NHP]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}H]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}h]} if ([$REJOIN]==[ON]) {@ ptmp = [${ptmp}R]}{@ ptmp = [${ptmp}r]} @ ptmp = [[${ptmp}]$OLD_STATUS] ^set STATUS_FORMAT $ptmp ^assign -ptmp }{^set STATUS_FORMAT $OLD_STATUS}} alias cstat { if ([$change_stat]==[ON]) {@ change_stat = [OFF]} {@ change_stat = [ON]} techo Status line toggle indicators: \[$change_stat\\] chgst } alias _host { EVAL Userhost $N -CMD if ([$3]) {/EVAL ^assign ownadd $0!$strip(~ $3)@$4} {^timer 20 _host} } alias default { techo Setting DEFAULT Script settings. techo Enter deop sensitivity \(currently $msensor\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] Deop value: "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ msensor = temp} techo Enter kick sensitivity \(currently $ksensor\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] Kick value: "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ ksensor = temp} techo Enter nickname flood sensitivity \(currently $nicksensor\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] Channel Nickname Flood value: "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ nicksensor = temp} techo Enter message flood sensitivity \(currently $msgsensor\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] FloodP Msg Flood value: "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ msgsensor = temp} techo Enter notice flood sensitivity \(currently $noticesensor\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] FloodP Notice Flood value: "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ noticesensor = temp} techo Enter CTCP flood sensitivity \(currently $ctcpsensor\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] FloodP CTCP Flood value: "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ ctcpsensor = temp} techo Enter # of minutes auto-ignores should last \(currently $ig_count\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] Automatic ignores last : "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ ig_count = temp} techo Enter the # of seconds until the timer resets \(currently $resetcount\). @ temp = [$"[T|X] FloodP timer subtraction value: "] if (isnum($temp)==1){@ resetcount = temp} techo Enter types of messages to be ignored by /IG or flood activation. techo Valid: MSGS CTCP NOTICES WALLS WALLOPS INVITES NOTES PUBLIC CRAP, or ALL. techo Currently: $igtypes @ temp = [$"[T|X] Ignore type\(s\): "] if (isalpha($temp)==1){@ igtypes = temp} techo Enter the message sent when someone PINGs you. techo Currently: $pingmsg @ temp = [$"[T|X] Ping Message: "] if (temp){@ pingmsg = temp} techo Enter your default kick message. techo Currently: $tk @ temp = [$"[T|X] Default Kick Message: "] if (temp){@ pk = temp} techo Enter your default /SETAWAY message. techo Currently: $defumes @ temp = [$"[T|X] Default Setaway Message: "] if (temp){@ defumes = temp} techo Enter your Auto-Setaway on Idle message. techo Currently: $idlemes @ temp = [$"[T|X] Auto Setaway Message: "] if (temp){@ idlemes = temp} techo Enter your default /SIGNOFF message. techo Currently: $signmsg @ temp = [$"[T|X] Signoff Message: "] if (temp){@ signmsg = temp} techo Enter the default usermode set on server CONNECT. \(Currently $usermode\) @ temp = [$"[T|X] Default Usermode: "] if (temp){@ usermode = temp} techo Enter the default avto nick. \(Currently $slovo\) @ temp = [$"[T|X] Default Avto Nick: "] if (temp){@ slovo = temp} techo Enter your default WHOVFP status. techo Currently: $whovfp @ temp = [$"[T|X] WHOVFP Status: "] if (temp){@ whovfp = temp} techo Enter your default KOEOP status. techo Currently: $koebroop @ temp = [$"[T|X] KOEOP Status: "] if (temp){@ koebroop = temp} techo Enter your default KOEINVITE status. techo Currently: $koebroinvite @ temp = [$"[T|X] KOEINVITE Status: "] if (temp){@ koebroinvite = temp} techo Enter your default KOEUNBAN status. techo Currently: $koebrounban @ temp = [$"[T|X] KOEUNBAN Status: "] if (temp){@ koebrounban = temp} techo Enter your default KOEPART status. techo Currently: $koebropart @ temp = [$"[T|X] KOEPART Status: "] if (temp){@ koebropart = temp} techo Enter your default KOEJOIN status. techo Currently: $koebrojoin @ temp = [$"[T|X] KOEJOIN Status: "] if (temp){@ koebrojoin = temp} techo Enter your default KOE-BRO PASSWORD. techo Currently: $koebropasswd @ temp = [$"[T|X] KOE-BRO PASSWORD: "] if (temp){@ koebropasswd = temp} techo Default settings complete. Type /SAVE to make them permanant. ^assign -temp } alias signoff { if ([$0]) { EVAL echo *** Signoff: $N \($0-\) //signoff $0- }{ EVAL echo *** Signoff: $N \($signmsg\) EVAL //signoff $signmsg }} alias cycle { techo Cycling on channel $C\, one moment... ^assign tmpchan $C //leave $C cwait //join $tmpchan } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [======- ] #=[ CHANNEL STATS GENERATOR ]= alias chanst { if ([$0]) {@ chnl = [$0]}{@ chnl = [$C]} techo Gathering information for channel: \[$chnl\\] .... techo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= @ cnscnt = [0] @ opedpl = [0] @ unoppl = [0] @ awaypl = [0] @ herepl = [0] @ ircopl = [0] ^assign -ircopz ^on ^who "*" { if (index(@ $2)!=-1) {@ opedpl = opedpl + 1} {@ unoppl = unoppl + 1} if (index(H $2)!=-1) {@ herepl = herepl + 1} if (index(G $2)!=-1) {@ awaypl = awaypl + 1} if (index(* $2)!=-1) { @ ircopl = ircopl + 1 ^assign ircopz $1 ${ircopz} } @ cnscnt = cnscnt + 1 } //who $chnl cwait givestats } alias givestats { ^on who - "*" techo Channel statistics for: \[$chnl\\] techo Total Users : \[$cnscnt\\] techo Channel OPs : \[$opedpl\\] techo Non OPs : \[$unoppl\\] techo Users Here : \[$herepl\\] techo Users Set Away : \[$awaypl\\] if ([$ircopz]!=[]) {/techo IRC OPs : \[$ircopl\\] \[$ircopz\\]} {/techo IRC OPs : \[$ircopl\\]} techo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[-T\|X-]= } alias bye { sf_assigning @ byecount = [$rand($byenum)] ^assign gone $(sf$byecount) signoff $gone } alias bye2 { sf_assigning @ byecount = [$sf$0] ^assign gone $(sf$0) signoff $gone } #=[ AVTO ]= alias avt.rep.do { ^on ^public "% % *${slovo}*" {echo <$0> $2-;^addmsg $0 $msglist} ^on ^public_msg "% % *${slovo}*" {echo <$0> $2-;^addmsg $0 $msglist} ^ON ^PUBLIC_OTHER "* %${slovo}% *" {echo <$0:$1> $2-;^addmsg $0 $msglist} ^ON ^PUBLIC_OTHER "*" {echo <$0:$1>> $2-} ^on ^action "% % *${slovo}*" {echo * $0 $2-;^addmsg $0 $msglist} ^on ^action_other "% % *${slovo}*" {echo * $0 $2-;^addmsg $0 $msglist} } alias getnik { @ msgcnt = msgcnt + [$0] if (#msglist < msgcnt) {@ msgcnt = 1} if (msgcnt <= 0) {@ msgcnt = #msglist} @ junk = K ## [skz] //type ^U$junk $^^{[$($msgcnt)]} } alias avtomat ^getnik 1 $msglist alias skz send $0: $1-;^addmsg $0 $msglist alias whovfp { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {@ WHOVFP = [ON];techo WHOVFP: \[$WHOVFP\\]} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {@ WHOVFP = [OFF];techo WHOVFP: \[$WHOVFP\\]} } { techo WHOVFP: \[$WHOVFP\\] } } alias sf_assigning { ^assign byenum 57 @ sf1=[Sorrow paid for valor is too high a price.] @ sf2=[Destiny, the crooked schemer, says the dead shall rise again.] @ sf3=[Demonic link?] @ sf4=[bad, Bad, REAL BAD link?] @ sf5=[Missing link?] @ sf6=[Where do we go from here?...and do we frigging care??] @ sf7=[The end is finally here. God have mercy!...now ya gonna shit ya pants!] @ sf8=[Sweet taste of vindication, It turns to ashes in your mouth.] @ sf9=[If you're fighting to live, It's ok to die?...bullshit!!] @ sf10=[Blue sky, Black death, I'm off to meet my maker!] @ sf11=[Jump or die!] @ sf12=[Feeling claustrophobic, like the walls are closing in.] @ sf13=[Killed (AliJah (Flood ME, will ya??!?@!@))] @ sf14=[Killed (GOD (Flood ME, will ya???!?@1!@1!!))] @ sf15=[Fucked up link?] @ sf16=[Funky link?] @ sf17=[No escaping pain, your ass belongs to me!] @ sf18=[I need a ride to the morgue, that's what 911 is for.] @ sf19=[That, that doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger.] @ sf20=[Born from the dark, in the black cloak of night.] @ sf21=[Set the world Afire!!!] @ sf22=[They said it'd never come, we knew it was a lie.] @ sf23=[All forms of life die now, the humans all succumb.] @ sf24=[Time to kiss your ass goodbye, the end has just begun!] @ sf25=[No time to change your fate, no time left, it's too late.] @ sf26=[And if it comes, the living will envy the dead!] @ sf27=[No one will be left to prove the humans existed.] @ sf28=[We all live on one planet and it will all go up in smoke.] @ sf29=[And now the final scene, a global darkening...] @ sf30=[Einstein said `We'll use rocks on the other side'.] @ sf31=[Oh shit, cops at my door!1!!@!!1!1!@!@@1!!] @ sf32=[Revenge, is a bitter-sweet dish best served cold. Pay back's a bitch!] @ sf33=[Supercalifragilisticexpealidotious link?] @ sf34=[Killed (Vassago (Who said he was bullet-proof?))] @ sf35=[No Survivors!!!!!! Set the World Afire!!!!] @ sf36=[I walk, I walk alone, into the promised land...] @ sf37=[There's a better place for me, but it's far, far away...] @ sf38=[Everlasting life for me, in a perfect world.] @ sf39=[But the time has come when all things shall pass.] @ sf40=[This good thing passed away...] @ sf41=[I'm a child of the air, I'm a witch of the wind.] @ sf42=[Lie, steal and cheat, a real bad guy!] @ sf43=[I'm not a nerd, I'm friggin kewl dOOd!!] @ sf44=[Perhaps I'll try real life for a change...] @ sf45=[Rot in hell, it's time you know...to your master, off you go!] @ sf46=[/ ExCaLiBuR =====- Rulz!] @ sf52=[Killed (SrfRoG (Who said he was bullet-proof?))] @ sf53=[Killed (Senator Exon (And they say there is no God!?))] @ sf54=[Spread the word, <==|> K.O.E. =====- Rulz!] @ sf55=[Killed (ShaMan (Ooops! NO I didn't, DAMN! he IS bullet-proof!))] @ sf56=[Uh, is that like a banana in ya pocket? or ya just happy to see me?] } #=[ IGNORING/UNIGNORING FUNCTIONS ]= alias ig { if ([$0]) { ^assign _types $1- if (!rmatch($0 *!* *@* *.*)) { Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { ^assign to_ignore *@$4 if ([$_types]==[]) {//^ignore $to_ignore $igtypes} {//^ignore $to_ignore $_types} techo Now ignoring $0 [$3@$4]. ^assign -_types }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.} }{ if ([$_types]==[]) {//^ignore $0 $igtypes} {//^ignore $0 $_types} techo Now ignoring $0. ^assign -_types }}{/tusecho /IG .} } alias noig { if ([$0]) { Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { //^ignore $0 NONE //^ignore *@$4 NONE techo $0 has been unignored. }{/techo I can't find $0 on IRC.} }{/tusecho /NOIG .} } #=[ STOPIG ]= alias stopig { if ([$0]) { EVAL //ignore $0 none }{ techo You're current ignore list contains: //ignore techo Enter a Filter Mask from above list to un-ignore. }} #=[ CHANNEL KOEWALL ]= alias kwall { if ([$0]) { if ([$0]==[ON]) {^assign koewallblock ON;techo KOEWALL messages \[$koewallblock\\];techo KOEWALL Messages now enabled\.} if ([$0]==[OFF]) {^assign koewallblock OFF;techo KOEWALL messages \[$koewallblock\\];techo KOEWALL Messages now disabled\.} }{techo KOEWALL messages \[$koewallblock\\];techo Type /KWALL ON|OFF to Activate|Deactive KOEWALL messages\.}} ^on ^ctcp "% % KOEWALLMSG *" { if ([$KOEWALLBLOCK]==[ON]) { if ([$LASTKOEWALL]!=right(10 $0)) { techo [KOEWALL|$1|$0] $decode($3-) ^assign LASTKOEWALL $right(10 $0) tref 514 5 ^assign -LASTKOEWALL }}} alias koewall { if ([$0]) { ^ctcp $C KOEWALLMSG $encode($0-) techo [KOEWALL|$C] $0- }{ tusecho /KOEWALL <Message> tusecho Broadcasts a message to all KOE on current channnel. }} #=[ CHANNEL WALLOPS ]= alias wall { if ([$C]==0) {/techo You must be on a channel to use /WALL.} { techo Sending \[WALLOP\] Message To: \[$C\\] Please Wait... ^assign message $encode($0-) techo [WALLOP\|$C] $decode($message) ^on ^names "*" sendwall $$1- ^names $C cwait ^on names - "*" }} alias sendwall { if ([$0]) { if (([$[1]0] == [@]) && ([$0] != [@] ## N)) { if ([$sendlist]==[]) { ^assign sendlist $strip(@ $0) ^assign showlist $strip(@ $0) sendwall $1- }{ ^assign sendlist $strip(@ $0),$sendlist ^assign showlist $strip(@ $0) $showlist sendwall $1- }}{/sendwall $1-}}{ if ([$sendlist]!=[]) { //^notice $sendlist [WALLOP\|$C] $decode($message) techo \[-WALLOPED-\]: $showlist ^assign -sendlist ^assign -showlist }}} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [======= ] #=[ NET ALIAS FOR WINDOW CONTROL ]= alias net { if ([$0]) { techo Hit CONTROL-W then ? for help on windowing commands. techo Creating a window on server $0, please wait... ^window new if ([$1]) {/EVAL window server $0:$1::_$N} {/EVAL window server $0:6667::_$N}}{ tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR v8.75 by ShaMan - Window Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = Usage: /net [] = tmecho = /NET creates a new window and connects it to . = tmecho = CONTROL-W + is used for most window commands: = tmecho = ^W? - Shows you this help screen. = tmecho = ^WK - kills the current window. = tmecho = ^WH - hides the current window. = tmecho = ^WS - shows and balances all windows. = tmecho = ^WC - clears the current window. = tmecho = ^WL - lists all windows. = tmecho = ^WP - Goes to the previous window. = tmecho = ^WN or /wn - Goes to the next window. = tmecho = ^W<1-9> - Changes to window number <1-9>. = tmecho = /wr to reduce a window number of lines. = tmecho = /wg to grow a window number of lines. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }} bind ^W meta2_character bind ^W? parse_command net bind ^Wh parse_command window hide bind ^Wn parse_command window next bind ^Wp parse_command window previous bind ^Wk parse_command window kill bind ^Wl parse_command window list bind ^Wc parse_command clear -a bind ^Ws parse_command win_show bind ^W1 parse_command window goto 1 bind ^W2 parse_command window goto 2 bind ^W3 parse_command window goto 3 bind ^W4 parse_command window goto 4 bind ^W5 parse_command window goto 5 bind ^W6 parse_command window goto 6 bind ^W7 parse_command window goto 7 bind ^W8 parse_command window goto 8 bind ^W9 parse_command window goto 9 alias wn window next alias wr window shrink alias wg window grow alias win_show { ^window show 2 ^window show 1 ^window balance } #=[ XDCC FILE TRANSFER SCRIPT ]= #=[ XDCC COUNTER/LIMITS/IDLE CLOSE ]= #=[ Using On Windows is the ONLY way to do this correctly (sigh) ]= on -window "% ??? DCC SEND:* %sec" if ([$1]==[***]) {/subdccs} on -window "% ??? DCC SEND:* lost" if ([$1]==[***]) {/subdccs} on -window "% ??? DCC SEND:* closed" if ([$1]==[***]) {/subdccs} alias subdccs { if (dccsent > 0) {@ dccsent = dccsent - 1} if ([$gonnacount]==[]) { ^assign gonnacount ON ^timer 55 updatecount }} alias updatecount { if ([$counting]!=[ON]) { ^assign counting ON @ dccsent = 0 ^on ^window "*" {/if ([$1]==[SEND]) {@ dccsent = dccsent + 1}} //dcc list ^on window - "*" ^assign -counting ^assign -gonnacount }{^timer 30 updatecount} } alias iswaiting { ^assign counting ON ^assign dccfilename none ^assign liststarted no ^assign listdone no ^assign chnick $0 ^assign chfile $1 ^assign dccwaiting no ^on ^window "*" { if (([$listdone]==[no])&&([$liststarted]==[yes])) { if (([$1]==[SEND])&&([$3]==[Waiting])&&(match(*$chfile $6)==1)&&([$2]==[$chnick])) { ^assign dccwaiting yes ^assign dccfilename $6 }} { if (([$listdone]==[no])&&([$1]==[Type])&&([$2]==[nick])&&([$3]==[status])) {^assign liststarted yes} }} //dcc list ^on window - "*" if ([$liststarted]==[no]) {^assign dccwaiting dunno} ^assign -listdone ^assign -liststarted ^assign -chnick ^assign -chfile ^assign -counting } alias checksend { iswaiting $0 $1 if ([$dccwaiting]==[dunno]) {^timer 1 checksend $0 $1} { if ([$dccwaiting]==[yes]) { ^timer 60 closesend $0 $1 if ([$lastnotdcc]!=[$0]) { nnotice $0 You have DCCs pending. Type /DCC GET $N\. ^assign lastnotdcc $0 tref 508 15 ^assign -lastnotdcc }}} ^assign -dccwaiting ^assign -dccfilename } alias closesend { iswaiting $0 $1 if ([$dccwaiting]==[dunno]) {^timer 1 closesend $0 $1} { if ([$dccwaiting]==[yes]) { //^dcc close send $0 $dccfilename ^subdccs if ([$lastnotdcc]!=[$0]) { techo One or more DCC SENDs to $0 have timed out. ^assign lastnotdcc $0 tref 509 30 ^assign -lastnotdcc }}} ^assign -dccfilename } alias xdccmsg { if ([$right(10 $1)]!=[$LASTXDCCMSG]) { if (match($2 HELP LIST SEND)) {/$2COMMAND $0 $1 $3-} {/nnotice $0 Try /MSG $N XDCC HELP.} ^assign LASTXDCCMSG $right(10 $1) tref 510 5 ^assign -LASTXDCCMSG }} alias HELPcommand { if ([$right(10 $1)]!=[$LASTHELPED]) { nnotice $0 /MSG $N XDCC LIST - to get the list of offered packs. nnotice $0 /MSG $N XDCC LIST # - to get more info on pack #. nnotice $0 /MSG $N XDCC SEND # - to send pack #. ^assign LASTHELPED $right(10 $1) tref 511 45 ^assign -LASTHELPED }} alias LISTcommand { if ([$right(10 $1)]!=[$lastlister]) { if (([$SECURITY]==[OFF])||([$sec_check($0!$1)] == [YES])) { if ([$2]) { if ([$[1]2] == [#]) { @ TEMP = [$2] @ NUM = right(${@TEMP-index(# $2)+1} $2) if (NUM <= TOTPACK) { techo List of pack #$NUM request received from $0. @ TEMPFILE = [] @ TEMPTOT = [0] @ COUNT0 = [1] nnotice $0 Pack: $ARRAYDESC[$NUM] nnotice $0 Length File while (COUNT0 <= ARRAYTOTF[$NUM]) { nnotice $0 $[10]ARRAYLENG[$NUM][$COUNT0] $X_FILE($ARRAYFILE[$NUM][$COUNT0]) @ TEMPTOT = TEMPTOT + ARRAYLENG[$NUM][$COUNT0] @ COUNT0 = COUNT0 + 1 } nnotice $0 ---------- -------------------------------- nnotice $0 $[10]TEMPTOT $ARRAYTOTF[$NUM] file\(s\) }{/nnotice $0 Pack $2 doesn't exist. Try /MSG $N XDCC LIST}} {/nnotice $0 XDCC LIST $2 is invalid. /MSG $N XDCC HELP.} }{ if (TOTPACK > 0) { techo All pack list request from $0 [$Userdomain($1)] @ COUNT0 = 1 nnotice $0 Pack Description while (COUNT0 <= TOTPACK) { nnotice $0 #$[3]COUNT0 $ARRAYDESC[$COUNT0] @ COUNT0 = COUNT0 + 1 }}{/nnotice $0 No files offered.}} ^assign lastlister $right(10 $1) tref 512 15 ^assign -lastlister }{ nnotice $0 No files offered. techo Unregistered XDCC LIST request from $0 [$Userdomain($1)] }}} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=======- ] alias SENDcommand { if ([$AUTOSEND] == [ON] || [$MYSEND] == [YES]) { if (([$SECURITY]==[OFF])||([$sec_check($0!$1)] == [YES])) { if (([$2]!=[])&&(isnum($2)==1)&&(isalpha($2)==0)) { if ([$[1]2] == [#]) { @ TEMP = [$2] @ NUM = right(${@TEMP-index(# $2)+1} $2) if (NUM <= TOTPACK) { @ dcctmp = dcclimit - dccsent if (ARRAYTOTF[$NUM]>dcctmp) { techo Sending $2 to $0 would exceed my limit of $dcclimit\ \($dccsent active\). nnotice $0 There are $dccsent\ of $dcclimit\ DCCs active. Try later, please. } { techo Sending $2 to $0 [$Userdomain($1)] nnotice $0 Sending you $ARRAYDESC[$NUM]\. @ COUNT1 = 1 @ TEMPTOT = 0 while (COUNT1 <= ARRAYTOTF[$NUM]) { ^dcc send $0 $ARRAYFILE[$NUM][$COUNT1] @ TEMPTOT = TEMPTOT + ARRAYLENG[$NUM][$COUNT1] @ COUNT1 = COUNT1 + 1 } nnotice $0 Total files sent: $ARRAYTOTF[$NUM]\. You'll need $TEMPTOT\ bytes. }}{/nnotice $0 File $2 does not exist. /MSG $N XDCC LIST.} }{/nnotice $0 XDCC SEND $2 is invalid. /MSG $N XDCC HELP.}} {/nnotice $0 There is no such file.} }{ nnotice $0 There is no such file. techo Unregistered user XDCC SEND request from $0 [$1]. }}{/nnotice $0 That function has been disabled. }} alias xdcc { if (match($0 LOAD PSEND CLOSE SAVE GET DIR AUTOCLOSE HELP LIST PLIST SEND STATUS NOTICE OFFER DOFFER LIMIT AUTOGET AUTOSEND GLIST OVERWRITE ULDIR DLDIR AUTORENAME SEC)) {$0MCOMMAND $1-} {/HELPMCOMMAND} } alias HELPMCOMMAND {/techo Try /XDCC HELP. \(You must have TERMINATOR.HLP loaded first\).} alias LIMITmcommand { ^assign TMPLIMIT $word(0 $"[T|X] Enter new limit for DCC SENDS: ") if ([$TMPLIMIT]!=[]) { if (isnum($TMPLIMIT)==1) {@ dcclimit = TMPLIMIT} ^assign -TMPLIMIT } techo XDCC Limit: $dcclimit\ } alias PSENDmcommand { if (TOTPACK > 0) { @ TMPVAR = [] @ NICKLIST = [] ^assign TMPVAR $"[T|X] Pack to send: " if ([$TMPVAR]!=[]) { if (TMPVAR <= TOTPACK) { ^assign NICKLIST $"[T|X] Nicks: " if ([$NICKLIST]) { @ COUNT2 = 0 @ MYSEND = [YES] while (word($COUNT2 $NICKLIST)) { SENDcommand $word($COUNT2 $NICKLIST) #$TMPVAR @ COUNT2 = COUNT2 + 1 } @ MYSEND = [NO] } {} } { /techo Pack #$TMPVAR doesn't exist. Try /XDCC LIST. } } {} } { /techo There are no packs created. }} alias LISTmcommand { if ([$0]) { if ([$[1]0] == [#]) { @ TEMP = [$0] @ NUM = right(${@TEMP-index(# $0)+1} $0) if (NUM <= TOTPACK) { @ COUNT2 = 1 @ TEMPTOT = 0 techo PACK: $ARRAYDESC[$NUM] while (COUNT2 <= ARRAYTOTf[$NUM]) { techo FILE: $ARRAYFILE[$NUM][$COUNT2] @ TEMPTOT = TEMPTOT + ARRAYLENG[$NUM][$COUNT2] @ COUNT2 = COUNT2 + 1 } techo Total: $TEMPTOT Bytes on $ARRAYTOTF[$NUM] file\(s\) } {/techo $0 pack doesn't exist.}} {/tusecho /XDCC LIST }}{ if (TOTPACK > 0) { @ COUNT2 = 1 techo Pack Description while (COUNT2 <= TOTPACK) { techo #$[2]COUNT2 $ARRAYDESC[$COUNT2] @ COUNT2 = COUNT2 + 1}} {/techo There are no files offered. }}} alias NOTICEmcommand //say ** $TOTPACK file\(s\) offered. For file list, /MSG $N XDCC LIST. alias PLISTmcommand { if (TOTPACK > 0) { //say ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG $N XDCC SEND #N for autosend pack #N @ COUNT3 = 1 while (COUNT3 <= TOTPACK) { //say #$COUNT3 $ARRAYDESC[$COUNT3] @ COUNT3 = COUNT3 + 1 }}{/techo There are no files offered. }} alias SENDmcommand { if ([$0]) {@ TMPVAR = [$0]} { @ TMPVAR = [] ^assign TMPVAR $"[T|X] Files to send: " } if ([$TMPVAR]) { if ([$getdir()] == [OK]) { if ([$1]) {@ NICKLIST = [$1-]} { @ NICKLIST = [] ^assign NICKLIST $"[T|X] Nicks: " } if ([$NICKLIST]) { dosend techo Send finished. }}{/techo Please check the files.}}} alias getdir { @ FILECOUNT = 0 ^on -exec_error "DIR1 *" {/techo Error: $1-} ^on ^exec "DIR1 *" addfile $$1- @ COUNT4 = 0 while (word($COUNT4 $TMPVAR)) { @ TMPFILE = word($COUNT4 $TMPVAR) if ([$[1]TMPFILE] == [/]) {} { @ TMPFILE = [$UPLOADDIR/$TMPFILE] } ^exec -name DIR1 ls -ld $TMPFILE ^wait %DIR1 @ COUNT4 = COUNT4 + 1 } if ( FILECOUNT == 0 ) { @ function_return = [ERROR] } { @ function_return = [OK] }} alias addfile { if ([$[1]0] == [-]) { @ FILECOUNT = FILECOUNT + 1 if ([$8]) { @ FILELIST[$FILECOUNT] = [$8] @ FILELENG[$FILECOUNT] = [$4] } { @ FILELIST[$FILECOUNT] = [$7] @ FILELENG[$FILECOUNT] = [$3] }}} alias dosend { @ COUNT5 = 0 while (word($COUNT5 $NICKLIST)) { @ COUNT6 = 1 @ SENDTOT = 0 while (COUNT6 <= FILECOUNT) { ^dcc send $word($COUNT5 $NICKLIST) $FILELIST[$COUNT6] @ SENDTOT = SENDTOT + FILELENG[$COUNT6] @ COUNT6 = COUNT6 + 1 } nnotice $word($COUNT5 $NICKLIST) $SENDTOT Bytes in $FILECOUNT file\(s\). @ COUNT5 = COUNT5 + 1 }} alias STATUSmcommand { techo ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ Current XDCC Configuration ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= techo = Autoget Offered DCCs : \[$AUTOGET\\] techo = Autosend From List : \[$AUTOSEND\\] techo = Autoclose DCC SENDS : \[$AUTOCLOSE\\] techo = Overwrite Existing Files : \[$OVERWRITE\\] techo = AutoRename Existing Files : \[$AUTORENAME\\] techo = Files Offered : \[$TOTPACK\\] techo = Get Count : \[$GETCOUNT\\] techo = Upload Directory : \[$UPLOADDIR\\] techo = Download Directory : \[$DOWNLOADDIR\\] techo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } alias OFFERmcommand { @ TMPVAR = [] @ TMPDESC = [] ^assign TMPVAR $"[T|X] Files: " if ([$TMPVAR]) { if ([$getdir()] == [OK]) { ^assign TMPDESC $"[T|X] Description: " if ([$TMPDESC]) { @ TOTPACK = TOTPACK + 1 @ COUNT = 1 @ SENDTOTAL = 0 while (COUNT <= FILECOUNT) { @ ARRAYFILE[$TOTPACK][$COUNT] = [$FILELIST[$COUNT]] @ ARRAYLENG[$TOTPACK][$COUNT] = [$FILELENG[$COUNT]] @ SENDTOTAL = SENDTOTAL + FILELENG[$COUNT] @ ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK] = [$FILECOUNT] @ COUNT = COUNT + 1 } @ SENDTOTAL = SENDTOTAL / 1024 if (FILECOUNT==1) {@ ARRAYDESC[$TOTPACK] = [$TMPDESC \[$SENDTOTAL\kb, $FILECOUNT\ file\]]} {@ ARRAYDESC[$TOTPACK] = [$TMPDESC \[$SENDTOTAL\kb, $FILECOUNT\ files\]]} techo $FILECOUNT\ file\(s\) added to Pack #$TOTPACK\. chgst}{}} {/techo One or more of these files don't exist.}}} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [======== ] alias DOFFERmcommand { if (TOTPACK > 0) { @ TMPNUM = [] ^assign TMPNUM $"[T|X] Pack to remove (* for all): " if ([$TMPNUM]) { if ([$TMPNUM] == [*]) { @ TOTPACK = 0 chgst techo All packs removed from offer list. } { if ((TMPNUM <= TOTPACK) && (TMPNUM > 0)) { @ COUNT7 = TMPNUM while (COUNT7 < TOTPACK) { @ COUNT8 = ARRAYTOTF[${COUNT7+1}] while (COUNT8 > 0) { @ ARRAYFILE[$COUNT7][$COUNT8] = [$ARRAYFILE[${COUNT7+1}][$COUNT8]] @ ARRAYLENG[$COUNT7][$COUNT8] = [$ARRAYLENG[${COUNT7+1}][$COUNT8]] @ COUNT8 = COUNT8 - 1 } @ ARRAYDESC[$COUNT7] = [$ARRAYDESC[${COUNT7+1}]] @ ARRAYTOTF[$COUNT7] = [$ARRAYTOTF[${COUNT7+1}]] @ COUNT7 = COUNT7 + 1 } @ TOTPACK = TOTPACK - 1 techo Pack #$TMPNUM removed from offer list. chgst } {/techo Try a number between 1 and $TOTPACK\. }}}{}} {/techo There are no files offered. }} alias AUTOGETmcommand { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it AUTOGET $0} techo Autogetting of offered files \[$AUTOGET\\] chgst } alias SECmcommand { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it SECURITY $0} techo XDCC Security \[$SECURITY\\] chgst } alias AUTOSENDmcommand { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it AUTOSEND $0} techo Autosending from offer list \[$AUTOSEND\\] chgst } alias AUTOCLOSEmcommand { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it AUTOCLOSE $0} techo Autoclose offered files \(refuse send\) \[$AUTOCLOSE\\] chgst } alias AUTORENAMEmcommand { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it AUTORENAME $0} techo AutoRenaming of existing offered files \[$AUTORENAME\\] chgst } alias OVERWRITEmcommand { if (match($0 ON OFF)) {/up_it OVERWRITE $0} techo Overwrite existing files \(no prompting\) \[$OVERWRITE\\] } alias ULDIRmcommand { if ([$0]) {^assign newdir $0} {^assign newdir $"[T|X] New upload directory: " } if ([$newdir]!=[]) { ^assign olddir $W ^cd $newdir ^assign uploaddir $W ^cd $olddir ^assign -olddir } ^assign -newdir techo Upload directory: $uploaddir\. } alias DLDIRmcommand { if ([$0]) {^assign newdir $0} {^assign newdir $"[T|X] New download directory: " } if ([$newdir]!=[]) { ^assign olddir $W ^cd $newdir ^assign downloaddir $W ^cd $olddir ^assign -olddir } ^assign -newdir techo Download directory: $downloaddir\. } alias x_file { ^assign TMP $0 if (rindex(/ $TMP)) { @ function_return = right(${@TMP-rindex(/ $0)+1} $0) } { @ function_return = [$0] } } alias adddccrequest { @ GETCOUNT = GETCOUNT + 1 @ ARRAYFILEGET[$GETCOUNT] = [$0] @ ARRAYNICKGET[$GETCOUNT] = [$1] chgst } alias CLOSEmcommand { if (GETCOUNT > 0) { @ TMPNICK = [] ^assign TMPNICK $"[T|X] Nick to remove get files (* for all): " if ([$TMPNICK]) { if ([$TMPNICK] == [*]) { @ GETCOUNT = 0 foreach ARRAYFILEGET XX { //^dcc close get $ARRAYNICKGET[$XX] } chgst techo All files removed from get list. }{ @ COUNT8 = 1 @ COUNT9 = 1 @ COUNT10 = GETCOUNT while (COUNT9 <= COUNT10) { if ([$ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT9]] != [$TMPNICK]) { @ ARRAYFILEGET[$COUNT8] = [$ARRAYFILEGET[$COUNT9]] @ ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT8] = [$ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT9]] @ COUNT8 = COUNT8 + 1 } { //^dcc close get $TMPNICK @ GETCOUNT = GETCOUNT - 1} @ COUNT9 = COUNT9 + 1} chgst }}{}}{/techo There are no pending files. }} alias DIRmcommand { @ TMPVAR = [] ^assign TMPVAR $"[T|X] Dir: " if ([$getdir()] == [OK]) { @ COUNT8 = 1 techo Length File while (COUNT8 <= FILECOUNT) { techo $[10]FILELENG[$COUNT8] $FILELIST[$COUNT8] @ COUNT8 = COUNT8 + 1 }}} alias GETmcommand { if (GETCOUNT > 0) { @ TMPNICK = [] ^assign TMPNICK $"[T|X] Nick to get files (* for all): " if ([$TMPNICK]) { if ([$TMPNICK] == [*]) { @ GETCOUNT = 0 foreach ARRAYFILEGET XX {//^dcc get $ARRAYNICKGET[$XX] $ARRAYFILEGET[$XX]} chgst techo All files taken from get list. } { @ COUNT8 = 1 @ COUNT9 = 1 @ COUNT10 = GETCOUNT techo Getting all files offered from $TMPNICK\. while (COUNT9 <= COUNT10) { if ([$ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT9]] != [$TMPNICK]) { @ ARRAYFILEGET[$COUNT8] = [$ARRAYFILEGET[$COUNT9]] @ ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT8] = [$ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT9]] @ COUNT8 = COUNT8 + 1 } { //^dcc get $TMPNICK $ARRAYFILEGET[$COUNT9] @ GETCOUNT = GETCOUNT - 1 } @ COUNT9 = COUNT9 + 1 } chgst }}{}}{/techo There are no files offered. }} alias GLISTmcommand { if (GETCOUNT > 0) { @ TMPNICK = [] ^assign TMPNICK $"[T|X] Nick to list pending files (* for all): " if ([$TMPNICK]) { @ COUNT11 = 1 techo Nick File while (COUNT11 <= GETCOUNT) { if (match($TMPNICK $ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT11])) { techo $[9]ARRAYNICKGET[$COUNT11] $ARRAYFILEGET[$COUNT11] } {} @ COUNT11 = COUNT11 + 1 }}{}}{/techo There are no pending files. }} alias LOADmcommand { if ([$0]) { eval /techo Loading XDCC Offer file.... @ OLDNUM = TOTPACK @ LOAD_ERROR = [NO] @ LINECOUNT = 0 @ COUNT12 = [desc comment] ^on exec_error "load_files *" { techo Error: $1- @ LOAD_ERROR = [YES] } ^on ^exec "load_files *" add_line $$1- ^exec -name load_files cat $0 ^wait %load_files if ([$LOAD_ERROR] == [NO]) { eval /techo Checking file... @ COUNT = 1 while (COUNT <= LINECOUNT) { add_file $XDCCFILELINE[$COUNT] @ COUNT = COUNT + 1 } if (ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK] == 0) {@ TOTPACK = TOTPACK - 1}{} chgst }{} if ([$LOAD_ERROR] == [NO]) { eval /techo Offer file loaded correctly.} { @ TOTPACK = OLDNUM }}{ if ([$OFFERFILE]!=[]) { techo Default: Loading $OFFERFILE\... loadmcommand $OFFERFILE }{/techo There is NO such file in the specified directory.}}} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [========-] alias SAVEMCOMMAND { if ([$0]) { techo Saving file... @ TEMP1 = [$1-] @ SAVE_ERROR = [NO] @ TEMP2 = [] @ COUNT = 0 @ LINECOUNT = 0 ^on ^exec_error "fsave *" # ^exec -name fsave rm $OFFERFILE ^wait %fsave ^on ^exec_error - "fsave *" if ([$1]) { while (word($COUNT $TEMP1)) { if ([$[1]word($COUNT $TEMP1)] != [#]) { techo Error: $word($COUNT $TEMP1) is not a valid pack format. @ SAVE_ERROR = [YES] }{ @ TEMP = word($COUNT $TEMP1) @ NUM = right(${@TEMP-1} $TEMP) if (NUM > TOTPACK) { techo Error: #$NUM does't exist. @ SAVE_ERROR = [YES] }{@ TEMP2 = [$TEMP2] ## [ $NUM]}} @ COUNT = COUNT + 1}}{ while (COUNT < TOTPACK) { @ COUNT = COUNT + 1 @ TEMP2 = [$TEMP2] ## [ $COUNT] }} if ([$SAVE_ERROR] != [YES]) { @ COUNT = 0 @ SAVE_ERROR = [NO] while (word($COUNT $TEMP2)) { add_line Comment Pack $COUNT add_line desc $ARRAYDESC[$word($COUNT $TEMP2)] @ COUNT1 = 0 while (COUNT1 < ARRAYTOTF[$word($COUNT $TEMP2)]) { @ COUNT1 = COUNT1 + 1 add_line files $ARRAYFILE[$word($COUNT $TEMP2)][$COUNT1] } @ COUNT = COUNT + 1 } ^on ^exec_error "save_xdcc_file *" { techo Error: $1- @ SAVE_ERROR = [YES] } @ COUNT = 0 while (COUNT < LINECOUNT) { @ COUNT = COUNT + 1 ^exec -name s_xdcc_f echo $strip(\;\(\)\{\}$$\`\|\'\" $XDCCFILELINE[$COUNT]) >> $0 ^wait %s_xdcc_f } if ([$SAVE_ERROR] = [NO]) {/techo File saved correctly.} }}{ if ([$OFFERFILE]) { techo Default: Saving as $OFFERFILE\... savemcommand $OFFERFILE }{/tusecho /XDCC SAVE }}} alias add_line { @ LINECOUNT = LINECOUNT + 1 @ XDCCFILELINE[$LINECOUNT] = [$0-] } alias add_file { if (match($0 $COUNT12)) { if ([$0] == [desc]) { @ OLDNUM = TOTPACK if ((TOTPACK >= 0) && (ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK] == 0)) {} { @ TOTPACK = TOTPACK + 1 } @ ARRAYDESC[$TOTPACK] = [$1-] @ ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK] = 0 @ COUNT12 = [files comment] } { if ([$0] == [files]) { @ COUNT12 = [desc files comment] @ TMPVAR = [$1-] if ([$getdir()] == [OK]) { @ COUNT13 = 1 while (COUNT13 <= FILECOUNT) { @ ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK] = ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK] + 1 @ ARRAYFILE[$TOTPACK][$ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK]] = [$FILELIST[$COUNT13]] @ ARRAYLENG[$TOTPACK][$ARRAYTOTF[$TOTPACK]] = [$FILELENG[$COUNT13]] @ COUNT13 = COUNT13 + 1}}{}}{}}{}}{ @ LOAD_ERROR = [YES] techo Error loading offer file on line: techo [$COUNT] $0- techo First word on line isn't [$COUNT12]\. @ COUNT = LINECOUNT }} #=[ ABOUT T|X ]= alias about { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ ExCaLiBuR Version 4.75 by ShaMan ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = = tmecho = TerMinAtoR & ExCaLiBuR have been made possible after many long hours = tmecho = of hard work, and with the help of many good friends. = tmecho = = tmecho = TerMinAtoR is the utility and protection program, and ExCaLiBur the = tmecho = war module. TXExtras, TXAnnoy, TXKicks, TXBot and XCaLX are included. = tmecho = = tmecho = This program, although NOT compatible with PhoEniX, is based on the = tmecho = same and most commands are identical to those of PhoEniX for the sole = tmecho = purpose of quick adaptability and ease of use. It has been optimized = tmecho = to allow for maximum protection against 99% of ALL known floods, and = tmecho = made to be extremely and offensively DEADLY. = tmecho = = tmecho = NOTE: Remember this is FREE, and if you don't like it, just don't use = tmecho = it. If you have nothing constructive to say, keep your opinions = tmecho = to yourself. I trust you will enjoy using TX-EXCAL. = tmecho = = tmecho = <==|> TxExCaL =====- = tmecho = = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= pause2 ^txcredits } alias txcredits { clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE FOLLOWING: tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho * Vassago. * Moogy. * Robey. * Prym. tmecho * CKeeper. * BPisles. * BeeF. * Toasty. tmecho * Viv. * MattW. * TG. * [magnus]. tmecho * KinK. * Kiana. * Fred1. * _WNC_. tmecho * JailBird. * Chernobyl. * Jeremy Nelson. * NadS. tmecho * Runt. * D-Man. * Zelix. * Howard Knight. tmecho * SrfRoG. * AlphaSux. * Eagle-1. * FoUL. tmecho * JD486. * wc. * XaBi. * ZED. tmecho * Low. * YaZoO. * Zircon. * acidflux tmecho * Taz. * Daemon. * PeNT. * Winterhawk. tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } #=[ FINAL RUNTIME COMMANDS & ALIASESS ]= EVAL techo Loading SAVE, XDCC file list, and NOTIFY files... EVAL load $terminatorfile EVAL loadmcommand $offerfile EVAL makelists EVAL chgst EVAL _host EVAL $srand($time()) EVAL //away EVAL quote MODE $N $usermode EVAL if ([$S]!=[]) {^assign _server $S} EVAL avt.rep.do #=[ AUTOMATICALLY starts IRCLOG on sign-on to IRC. If, logirc assign is ON ]= if ([$LOGIRC]==[ON]){^irclog on} alias chk4scr { ^if (ex) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT PhoEniX;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and PhoEniX\!} ^if (bver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT Byron;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and Byron\!} ^if (tbvers) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT Textbox;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and Textbox\!} ^if (ppvers) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT PurePak;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and PurePak\!} ^if (zvers) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT Zscript;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and ZScript\!} ^if (ver.num) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT LiCe;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and LiCe\!} ^if (lvn) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT LiCe;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T|\X and LiCe\!} ^if (de.version) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT despite;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and despite!} ^if (rk.ver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT rK;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and rK.scr\!} ^if (ch.ver) {echo *** TX-EXCAL is a STANDALONE Script\!\! - TX-EXCAL RuLeZ\! - Load WithOUT rK;//quit DoH\! I Loaded T\|X and CHAoS\!} ^timer 600 ^chk4scr } ^chk4scr EVAL your_host EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=========] EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=LOADED!=] EVAL timer 2 ^set INPUT_PROMPT [T] ^timer 3 ^ap