#=[ TXHELP.IRC by ShaMan for use with TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 ]= #=[ ShaMan ( Michael Anthony Marino ) email: shamanic@netcom.com ]= if ([$txcal.ver]==[]) {echo *** You NEED to LOAD the T\|X MAIN module first!;//quit} @ txloadid.ver = [HELP] @ txhelp.loaded = [YES] EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [ ] EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [- ] alias commands { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR v8.75 by ShaMan - Main Commands Help Topics = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = STATUS - Tells what the lights on the Status Bar Display mean. = tmecho = USER - User-Specific Commands (such as /IRCLOG, etc.) = tmecho = OP - Channel Operator Commands (won't work unless you are op) = tmecho = LIST - Listing-Type Commands (such as /ADDF, /REMF, ADDBK, etc.) = tmecho = XDCC - XDCC Commands (DCC File transfer commands) = tmecho = BAN - Ban Information (lists the different types of bans, etc) = tmecho = WINDOW - Windowing Commands (for creation/usage with IRC windows) = tmecho = UNIX - Unix Commands (unix aliases that do unix things from IRC) = tmecho = MISC - Miscellaneous Commands (don't really fit into the above) = tmecho = WAR - All war menus index for ExCaLiBuR = tmecho = EXTRAS - Commands menu for the Extras utility module = tmecho = BOT - Commands menu for the TerMinAtoR utility bot = tmecho = KICKS - Commands for the TerMinAtoR kicks script = tmecho = ANNOY - Commands for the TerMinAtoR annoy script = tmecho = ABOUT - Tells you about TerMinAtoR the script, credits, etc. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = - THELP - To read a help topic, type /THELP . - THELP - = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [= ] alias thelp { if (match($0 STATUS USER OP LIST XDCC BAN WINDOW UNIX MISC WAR EXTRAS BOT KICKS ANNOY ABOUT)) {$0GCOMMAND} {/commands} } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=- ] alias ABOUTGCOMMAND {^about} alias WINDOWGCOMMAND {^net} alias HELPMCOMMAND {^thelp xdcc} alias WARGCOMMAND {^warhelp} alias EXTRASGCOMMAND {^txextrashelp} alias BOTGCOMMAND {^txbhelp} alias KICKSGCOMMAND {^txkhelp} alias ANNOYGCOMMAND {^txannoyhelp} EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [== ] alias STATUSGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - Status Bar Lights = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = The extended status bar flags [0-0:GSCNXALFMPHRX] are: = tmecho = A = Friends CTCP HELP/OP/INVITE/UNBAN/CHOPS L = IRC Logging = tmecho = M = Mass Deop/Kick Protection G = XDCC AutoGet = tmecho = F = Flood Protection N = XDCC AutoRename = tmecho = H = Netsplit Hack/Ban Protection C = XDCC AutoClose = tmecho = P = Channel Flood/Nick Flood Protection S = XDCC AutoSend = tmecho = R = Auto Rejoin on Kick X = XDCC Security = tmecho = 0-0 = Files Offered - Files Pending to Receive = tmecho = \(Uppercase letters indicate ON, lowercase OFF.\) = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [==- ] alias USERGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - User Specific Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /M (nick) (message) - Messages with . = tmecho = /N (nick) (message) - Notices with . = tmecho = /J (channel to join) - Joins - # is not needed. = tmecho = /L - leaves current channel. /L (channel) - Leaves . = tmecho = /W, /WI, /WW (nick) - Gives WHO, WHOIS, & WHOWAS info on . = tmecho = /WII (nick) - Tells you whois info on and their idle time. = tmecho = /SERV (server) - Switches to . /SERV - Goes to Default Serv. = tmecho = /SB [] - Show all bans on , or current channel. = tmecho = /I - Invites the last person to message you to your current channel. = tmecho = /EX (command) - Executes outside of IRC. = tmecho = /LS (filter) - Lists files that fit . = tmecho = /CAT (filename) - Displays to your screen. = tmecho = /RE (Nick/Ch) (Cmd) - Redirects output of to . = tmecho = /DIRLM (Nick/Chn) - Directs last message received to . = tmecho = /DIRLN (Nick/Chn) - Directs last notice received to . = tmecho = /CTCPRE (Nick) - Directs a CTCP reply to . = tmecho = /CHOPS - Lists channel operators in the current channel. = tmecho = /P (nick) - Pings . /P - Pings everyone on current channel. = tmecho = /AP - Updates your Lag indicator (on status bar.. autoping) = pause2 tmecho = /DC (nick) - Sends a DCC CHAT request to . = tmecho = /DCX (nick) - Closes a DCC CHAT from . = tmecho = /DCS (nick) - Closes a DCC SEND to . = tmecho = /DCG (nick) - Closes a DCC GET from . = tmecho = /CHANST - Returns the current channel statistics of the channel. = tmecho = /SC - Does a NAMES of current channel. = tmecho = /SAVE - Saves MOST of your personal user settings to a file. = tmecho = /FLOODP (ON|OFF) - Turns personal flood protection . = tmecho = /DEFAULT - Changes various script settings that can be /SAVEd. = tmecho = /SCRIPTFIX - Resets some master variables in the script. = tmecho = /FING (nick) - Does a CTCP FINGER of . Alone, does channel. = tmecho = /IG (nick) - Ignores using default types from (by user@host). = tmecho = /IG (filter) - Ignores using default ignore types from . = tmecho = /NOIG (nick) - Unignores . = tmecho = /STOPIG (filter) - Unignores . = tmecho = /AUTOTIME (#minutes) - Changes the idleaway settings to <#minutes>. = tmecho = /SETAWAY (reason) - Sets you away for . Logs all messages. = tmecho = /QAWAY (reason) - Same as SETAWAY, but NO BEEP, it's Silent. = tmecho = /SETBACK - Sets you back, lists messages, & requests save/delete. = tmecho = /QBACK - Same as SETBACK, but NO BEEP & NO Return MSG, it's Silent. = tmecho = /PROT (ON|OFF) - Turns megadeop and megakick protection. = tmecho = /NHPROT (ON|OFF) - Turns netsplit hack protection . = pause2 tmecho = /CPROT (ON|OFF) - Turns channel flood/bomb protection = tmecho = /TXRKICK (ON|OFF) - Turns TX revenge on kick . = tmecho = /EXTMES (ON|OFF) - Turns extended message displays/beeping . = tmecho = /REJOIN (ON|OFF) - Turns AutoRejoin on KICK . = tmecho = /AUTOOP (ON|OFF) - Turns Auto Op friends on JOIN . = tmecho = /IRCLOG (ON|OFF) - Turns your IRC Log = tmecho = /STATUS - Shows you your current TerMinAtoR configuration. = tmecho = /NOTIFY (+/-nick) - Adds (+) or removes (-) from notify list. = tmecho = /CSTAT - Toggles status line toggle indicators ON and OFF. = tmecho = /PUBCAT (filename) - Displays a file to your current channel. = tmecho = /WHOLEFT/WL - When a netsplit occurs, this will show who split away. = tmecho = /UMODE (mode) - Changes your usermode to . = tmecho = /NEWCHA (channel) - Leaves current channel and joins specified one. = tmecho = /DOH (nick) - Sends last msg to & DoH! msg to previous nick. = tmecho = /TACJ (channel) (time frequency) - Does a Timed-Auto-Channel-Join. = tmecho = /TACJOFF - Terminates the Timed-Auto-Channel-Join process. = tmecho = /MIW - Toggles message in window feature. = tmecho = /NOTE - Time & date stamps something and writes to file. = tmecho = /ESC-R - Replies to nick who mentions your pre-assigned avto nick. = tmecho = /NTHELP - Extended help for the TerMinAtoR Nick-Tracer program. = tmecho = /KBROHELP - Extended help for the KOE-BRO OP, INVITE, UNBAN. = tmecho = /MOTD [ON|OFF] - Turns server MOTD ON|OFF. = pause2 tmecho = /WHOVFP [ON|OFF] - Turns AUTO WHOIS on Ping, Version, Finger ON|OFF. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=== ] alias OPGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - Channel Op Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /MASS (o,d,v,s,k,lk) - Mass mode/kicks. Type /MASS for extended help.= tmecho = /OP (nicks) - Ops all . /DOP (nicks) - Deops all . = tmecho = /INV (nick) - Invites to current channel. = tmecho = /C (mode) - Sets on current channel. = tmecho = /MC - Clears all channel modes, including any channel keys. = tmecho = /K (nick) (reason) - Kicks of current channel for . = tmecho = /FK (filter) (reason) - Kicks all people matching . = tmecho = /FBK (filter) (reason) - Kicks and bans people matching . = tmecho = /TXK (nick) - Kicks & ALL matching userids. = tmecho = /TXKB (nick) - Deops, Bans & Kicks & ALL matching userids. = tmecho = /WALL (message) - Sends to all other channel operators. = tmecho = /BK (bantype) (nick) (reason) - Deops, bans, & kicks . = tmecho = /BKI (nick) - Ban-Kicks and Ignores (nick). = tmecho = /BKIALL (nick) - Ban-Kicks and Ignores (nick) and ALL matching U@H. = tmecho = /NOKEY - Removes the last set channel key. = tmecho = /T (topic) - Changes topic to . /T - Shows channel topic. = tmecho = /ESC (b,d,k,o,v,w) - Last person to join mode. Type /ESC+H for help. = tmecho = /MODELOCK [<+Modes><-Modes>] - Locks current channel to modes. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [===- ] alias LISTGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - List Type Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /ADDF . Privileges you may assign include: = tmecho = INVITE, OP, and XDCC \(which lets them use your XDCC commands when = tmecho = you have XDCC Security ON.\) = tmecho = To give them all available access, type /ADDF ALL. = tmecho = /REMF - Removes nickname or filter from the Friends list.= tmecho = /REMF ALL - Removes all filters from your Friends list. = tmecho = /LISTF - Lists everyone on your Friends list and access levels. = tmecho = /ADDBK (nick/filter) - Adds or to your AutoBKick list. = tmecho = /REMBK (nick/filter) - Removes from your AutoBKick list. = tmecho = /REMBK ALL - Clears all filters from your AutoBkick list. = tmecho = /LISTBK - Lists your complete AutoBKick list. = tmecho = /AUTO (ON|OFF) - Turns CTCP OP, INVITE, and UNBAN . = tmecho = /AUTOCHAN (channel or ALL) - Sets valid channels for use with = tmecho = the CTCP friends list and AUTO commands. = tmecho = /FOK (nick) - Adds a nickname to your flood_ok list. That nick = tmecho = will not trigger flood protection if they go over the limit. = tmecho = /FREM (nick) - Removes a nickname from your flood_ok list. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [==== ] alias BANGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - Ban Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /BAN (bantype) (nick) - Bans on your current channel. = tmecho = You can define a ban for use by typing: /BANDEF . = tmecho = /BAN (filter) - Bans up to three filters on your current channel. = tmecho = /UNBAN (nick) - Unbans on your current channel. = tmecho = /UNBAN (filter) - Reverses all bans matching on your channel. = tmecho = /BKICK/BK (bantype) (nick) - Deops and bans with . = tmecho = /CDBAN - Completely clears current channel of all bans. = tmecho = /RDBAN - Resets current channel bans you cleared with CDBAN. = tmecho = /BANDEF (n,s,h,d) - Sets default to normal, screw, host, or domain. = tmecho = These bans are used as default for BK and BAN. Ban types are: = tmecho = N Normal *!*ser@*.dom.area.cty S Screw *!*s??r@*.d??.a???.?ty = tmecho = H Host *!*@host.dom.area.cty D Domain *!*@*.dom.area.cty = tmecho = IP Addresses (Numerical) will be detected and banned correctly. = tmecho = /DOBANS - Does all bans & filters in your AutoBKick list. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [====- ] alias UNIXGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - UNIX Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /USERS - Display users currently logged on. = tmecho = /WHATIS - Display short description on a command. = tmecho = /WHEREIS - Display the path where a command is. = tmecho = /DATE - to display the date and time. = tmecho = /TAR - to tar \(gather up\) a directory to file.tar. = tmecho = /UNTAR - to untar a file.tar file (unpack a dir). = tmecho = /SPING - to launch a unix ping on a server. = tmecho = /WORD - find out how many words/lines/chrs in file. = tmecho = /UPTIME - displays uptime and load averages of host. = tmecho = /RUP - to find out who is logged on host. = tmecho = /QUOTA - to find out what disk quota is. = tmecho = /SPACE - to find out how much disk space is used. = tmecho = /PS or /PS2 - to list your current running processes. = tmecho = /KP - to kill one process or more. = tmecho = /CAL - to display calendar. = tmecho = /MKDIR - to create a directory. = tmecho = /GREP - to find occurrences of a string in a file. = tmecho = /CHMOD - to set a permission on files or dir's. = tmecho = /ZCAT - to view a compressed \(.Z\) file. = pause2 tmecho = /LOCATE - to find where a file is in your account. = tmecho = /FILE - to show what a file is \(its format\). = tmecho = /SORT - to sort a file in alphabetical order. = tmecho = /UNCOMPRESS - to uncompress a file.Z file. = tmecho = /COMPRESS - to compress a file \(.Z format\). = tmecho = /GUNZIP - to uncompress a file.gz file. = tmecho = /GZIP - to compress a file \(.gz format\). = tmecho = /MAIL - to mail a file to an address. = tmecho = /UUENCODE - to uuencode a binary file \(.uue\). = tmecho = /UUDECODE - to uudecode a file. = tmecho = /UNZIP - to unzip a file.tar.Z file. = tmecho = /CAT <#l> - to display a file \(type /cat for info\). = tmecho = /TRACEROUTE - TracesRoutes domain information on a domain. = tmecho = /NSLOOKUP - Shows domain IP address. = tmecho = /LS /LSA /DIR - to display your directory. = tmecho = /CP - to copy a file. = tmecho = /MV - to move or rename a file or directory. = tmecho = /RM - to remove a file. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [===== ] alias MISCGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - Miscellaneous Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /XL - Does a /CTCP XDCC LIST to see files offered. = tmecho = /JI - Joins the last channel you were invited to. = tmecho = /CYCLE - Leaves current channel and rejoins right afterwards. = tmecho = /VER (nick) - Checks version of . /VER - Versions the channel. = tmecho = /VERKOE (nick) - Validates KOE members using TX-EXCAL v1.50 & above. = tmecho = /TIM (nick) - Checks time of . /TIM - Times the channel. = tmecho = /LAGM [-r] - Shows your server lag in graph format, -r shows to cha. = tmecho = /KOEWALL (message) - Sends a wall message to all KOE in the channel. = tmecho = /KWALL [ON|OFF] - Turns KOEWALL message receival [ON|OFF]. = tmecho = /BEEPS [ON|OFF] - Turns ALL BEEPS ON|OFF. = tmecho = /BYE - Signs off with one of 56 unusual signoff messages. = tmecho = /BYE2 <\#1 thru 56> - Signs off with your choice message. = tmecho = /MLSTAT - Displays status of the modules to show which are loaded. = tmecho = /TXLAG - Finds lagged servers. Use TXLAG -r to redirect to channel. = tmecho = /TXSETLAG <\#> - Set number of hops for lag detection. = tmecho = /TXSLAG - Finds lagged servers matching mask. Use TXSLAG -r = tmecho = to redirect to channel. = tmecho = /TXSPING - Pings a server to find its lag. = tmecho = /TXPORTS - Finds available ports on a server. = pause2 tmecho = *TAB - Cycles through message recipient/last messagers. = tmecho = *CTRL-W - Controls all the Windowing functions. Type /NET for help. = tmecho = *CTRL-O - Ignores the last person to MSG you. = tmecho = *CTRL-X - Switches back and forth between channels. = tmecho = *CTRL-Z - Drop to a Unix shell ('fg' exits the shell). = tmecho = *CTRL-F - Flushes all pending server output. = tmecho = *CTRL-B - Toggles BOLD text ON|OFF. = tmecho = *CTRL-V - Toggles INVERSE text ON|OFF. = tmecho = *CTRL-_ - Toggles UNDERLINE text ON|OFF. = tmecho = *CTRL-P - Toggles Hold Mode ON|OFF. = tmecho = *ARROW UP - Brings up last command. = tmecho = *ARROW DOWN - Brings up next command. = tmecho = *ARROW LEFT - Moves the cursor left one character. = tmecho = *ARROW RIGHT - Moves the cursor right one character. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [=====- ] alias XDCCGCOMMAND { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - XDCC Commands = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /XDCC LIST <#> - to get a list of your packs offered. = tmecho = /XDCC SEC - Turns XDCC Security ON or OFF. = tmecho = /XDCC NOTICE - to make a public notice that you are offering files. = tmecho = /XDCC PLIST - to offer your file list to the channel. = tmecho = /XDCC SEND - to send files. = tmecho = /XDCC PSEND - to send packs. = tmecho = /XDCC GET - to get files. = tmecho = /XDCC CLOSE - to close files. = tmecho = /XDCC STATUS - to get XDCC status. = tmecho = /XDCC OFFER - to offer files to people. = tmecho = /XDCC DOFFER - to remove files from offered list. = tmecho = /XDCC LOAD - to load offer-file FILENAME. = tmecho = /XDCC SAVE - to create an offer-file FILENAME. = tmecho = /XDCC AUTOGET - to switch Autoget ON|OFF. = tmecho = /XDCC AUTOSEND - to switch Autosend ON|OFF. = tmecho = /XDCC AUTOCLOSE - to switch Autoclose ON|OFF. = tmecho = /XDCC OVERWRITE - to switch Autoget Overwrite ON|OFF. = tmecho = /XDCC ULDIR - to set your XDCC upload directory. = tmecho = /XDCC DLDIR - to set your XDCC download directory. = pause2 tmecho = /XDCC LIMIT - to set your XDCC AUTOSEND limit. = tmecho = /XDCC AUTORENAME - toggles AUTORENAMING of existing files, if = tmecho = AUTOGET is on. = tmecho = /DCCP ON|OFF - Turns DCC Notices ON|OFF. This will prot against ANY = tmecho = DCCBOMB. (OFF|ENABLED is the setting on load). = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [====== ] alias TXANNOYHELP { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = TerMinAtoR Version 8.75 by ShaMan - TXAnnoy Command Help = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /BIGWRITE (nick/channel) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - BIGwrites something. = tmecho = /BBANNER (text) - Sends a banner message to the current channel. = tmecho = /FOP (nick) - Quadruple ops with four +oooo ops. = tmecho = /MULTI (message) - Puts one word on a line of . = tmecho = /DOCOW1 (nick/channel) (1) (2) - Sends a cow to . = tmecho = /DOCOW2 (nick/channel) (1) (2) - Sends a rather pornographic cow. = tmecho = /TRAIN (nick/channel) (1) - Does the LAMER TRAIN to . = tmecho = /FUCKYOU (nick/channel) - Sends a funny fuck you to . = tmecho = /SITONTHIS - Sends a funny message from Acidflux =) = tmecho = /BEEFCOW (nick/channel) - Sends a beefcow to . = tmecho = /NARK (nick/channel) - Says NARK! to . = tmecho = /BORG (nick/channel) - Puts the fear of the Borg in . = tmecho = /DEADCAT1 (nick/channel) - Sends a dead cat to . = tmecho = /DEADCAT2 (nick/channel) - Sends another dead cat to . = tmecho = /WOOP (nick/channel) - W00ps the = tmecho = /SLAPOP (nick/channel) - Gives a big <---- OP sign to .= tmecho = /JOKEMASS (nick to fake) - Does a fake megadeop of current channel. = tmecho = /SAY# (msg) - Cooltalks . /TOPIC# (topic) - Cooltalks topic. = tmecho = /MSG# (nick) (msg) - Cooltalks to . = pause2 tmecho = /BEER - Sends an ascii beer and mug to the channel. = tmecho = /BEERM (nick) - Sends an ascii beer and mug to . = tmecho = /JAVA - Sends an ascii coffee pot and cup to the channel. = tmecho = /JAVAM (nick) - Sends an ascii coffee pot|cup to via message. = tmecho = /RIP (nick/channel) - Sends personalized R.I.P. headstone. = tmecho = /RIPM (nick) - Sends personalized R.I.P. headstone via message. = tmecho = /RAID (nick) - Sends personalized RAID msg to channel & kicks .= tmecho = /RAIDM (nick) - Sends personalized RAID msg to via message. = tmecho = /LAMER (nick) - Sends personalized lamer scan msg to channel & kicks.= tmecho = /RT (msg) - Types message on public and text appears to the right. = tmecho = /SHUTUP (nick) - Places a shut-up kick on a . = tmecho = /SPEAK (nick) - Takes off the shut-up kick on . = tmecho = /FRELM (nick) - Fakes a MSG from a (nick) to a channel or via a MSG. = tmecho = /SPECIAL - Gives you a list of special aliases you can use. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } alias special { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = =[ TerMinAtoR v8.75 By ShaMan - Special Aliases ]= = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = Special aliases: \(/ \). = tmecho = haha, yawn, sigh, hehe, smile, wave, wink, shrug, gig, groan, = tmecho = moan, nod, clap, bow, burp, cough, cry, gasp, scream, romance, = tmecho = snore, comf, cud, hug, kiss, love, pat, poke, slap, hmm, shiv, = tmecho = lol, hmmm, laff, rofl, lamao, roll, wooo, blush, run, butt. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [======- ] alias txbHELP { ^clear echo $txbs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo $txbs = =[ COMMANDS TO CONTROL TX-BOT ]= = echo $txbs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= echo $txbs = /TXB CREATE - Creates TxBot. = echo $txbs = /TXB WINDOW - To toggle TxBot windowing ON|OFF. This creates = echo $txbs = a special window just for your TxBot stuff. = echo $txbs = /TXB DIE - Deactivates/KiLLs your TxBot. = echo $txbs = /TXB PROTECT - Toggles DEOP, BAN, and KICK PROTection ON|OFF. = echo $txbs = /TXB SPY - Toggles the SPY setting ON|OFF. To set spy levels, = echo $txbs = \(What to Spy on\), use /TXB SPYLEVEL. = echo $txbs = /TXB SPYLEVEL - Brings up a prompt to set levels for TXB SPY. = echo $txbs = /TXB SAY/TBS - Says to current channel. = echo $txbs = /TXB MSG/TBM - Sends to . = echo $txbs = /TXB CTCP/TBC - Sends a CTCP to . = echo $txbs = /TXB ACT/TBA - Has TxBot do a '/me whatever'. = echo $txbs = /TXB NOTICE - Sends a NOTICE to . = echo $txbs = /TXB NAMES - Tells the names of people on . = echo $txbs = /TXB MODE/TBMD - Changes the mode on the channel. = echo $txbs = to . i.e: /TXB MODE +o ShaMan, /TBMD +nst. = echo $txbs = /TXB OP/DEOP - Has TxBot OP or DEOP . = echo $txbs = /TXB MODELOCK - Has TxBot enforce . = echo $txbs = /TXB LEAVE/TBL - Has TxBot leave . = pause2 echo $txbs = /TXB JOIN/TBJ - Has TxBot join . = echo $txbs = /TXB NICK/TBN - Changes TxBot's to . = echo $txbs = /TXB STATUS - Shows you the TxBot Status. = echo $txbs = /TXB INV - TxBot will invite to your channel. = echo $txbs = /TXB KICK - Kicks off your current channel. = echo $txbs = /TXB BKICK/TBBK - Kicks & Bans from your channel. = echo $txbs = /TXB BAN/TBB - Bans from your current channel. = echo $txbs = /TXB UNBAN - TxBot will UnBan in the channel. = echo $txbs = /TXB JOINALL - TxBot will join all of your current channels. = echo $txbs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } EVAL set INPUT_PROMPT [$txcal.ver] Loading Module [$txloadid.ver]: [======= ] alias synchelp { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = =[ TerMinAtoR by ShaMan - SYNCH HELP ]= = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /SYNCHECK - Checks your current channel for desynch. = tmecho = /SYNCHFIX - Attempts to synch your current channel. = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } alias jumphelp { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = =[ TerMinAtoR by ShaMan - JUMP HELP ]= = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /JUMP  - Logs you into the pre-assigned server, = tmecho = without a selection it shows the list. = tmecho = /JUMPPORT  - Assigns the default port to use. = tmecho = /JUMPSERV - Assigns your default servers. = tmecho = /JUMPSAVE - Saves your assigned servers to file. = tmecho = /JUMPHELP - This help screen DoH! = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= } alias nickpickhelp { ^clear tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = =[ TerMinAtoR by ShaMan - NICK-PICK HELP ]= = tmecho =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= tmecho = /NICKPICK