# $EPIC: ignore.txt,v 1.5 2009/05/27 14:10:14 zwhite Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== __ignore__ [] [\[-|+|^]] \\ __ignore__ [] [\[-|+|^]] \\ __ignore__ [] [\[-|+|^]] \\ __ignore__ [] [\[-|+|^]] \\ __ignore__ [] [\[-|+|^]] \\ __ignore__ [] [] [REASON ""] \\ __ignore__ [] [] [REASON ""] ======Description:====== The __IGNORE__ command is a client-side filtering mechanism. You can use it to avoid seeing messages you would rather not see. This does not stop someone from flooding you, but it does stop your screen from being flooded. If someone attacks you with a floodnet, you can still be knocked off of irc even if you __IGNORE__ it. Messages can be filtered based on any nick!user@host pattern, (which can be abbreviated to just a nick, or just a user@host) or on any channel. Messages are filtered by context type. This allows you to ignore only certain types of messages from someone without having to ignore every message from that person. For example, you could ignore [[INVITE]]s from someone who is annoying you without having to ignore his [[MSG]]s. __IGNORE__ will apply a filter based on the best possible match. Thus, if you are ignoring *!*@*.net and *!*foobar@*.slurpee.net, and someone with an nick!user@host mask of BigFoob!foobar@grape.slurpee.net sends you a message, __IGNORE__ will use *!*foobar@*.slurpee.net to determine how to filter the message. This will prove useful, as shown in the example below. Using __IGNORE__ with no arguments displays your ignore list. This will include an ignore reference number, the pattern being ignored/highlighted, and the type of messages that shall be ignored/highlighted. Optionally, a ignore reason and timeout may be included. Most, but not every ignore level works with channels. When you are trying to remove an ignore, you must specify the pattern exactly as it appears in your ignore list. "Approximate" patterns will be treated as NEW patterns and will not supersede existing patterns. ======Message Types:====== See the [[levels]] help page for details. ======Special Message Types:====== These are not really message types, but they can be used in your message types list. REASON "" Set a reason you're ignoring the person. TIMEOUT Automatically cancel the message after seconds. ======Examples:====== To ignore everything from foobar: /ignore foobar all To ignore everything except public conversation from foobar: /ignore foobar all -publics To highlight all private messages from foobar (it is displayed highlighted with whatever you have set HIGHLIGHT_CHAR to): /ignore foobar +msgs To ignore all NOTICEs except those from foobar's site: /ignore * notices /ignore *!*@*.slurpee.net ^notices To remove *!*foobar@*.slurpee.net from your ignore list: /ignore *!*foobar@*.slurpee.net none To highlight people joining and leaving, mode changes, etc. for a channel: /ignore #channel +crap