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# I have returned from the wilds of Wyoming

I'm back from my trip. I'll post a full debriefing later, and photos when I get them back from the lab. (Yes, I still use film. No, I have no plans to buy a digital camera. Maybe when they make a digital camera that's as easy to use as my K1000 I will. Oh, and it has to shoot at 15mp, because that's easily what I get out of 35mm color reversal film.)

For now, let me say that Idaho sucks, the Grand Tetons are beautiful and I didn't get to spend enough time there, and Yellowstone looks like what you'd get if disney decided to build a forest.

posted at: 2006 Sep 26 20:07 UTC | category: life | (story link)

Copyright © 2006-2008 Zach White