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# An Ode To On Call

once upon a midnight 'berry
as I awoke from dreams so airy
the screen announced like a sorrowful brute
quoth the kernel, unable to mount root

bleary eyed I thumbed the wheel
that would hold back my sire's steel
as I pondered profanity stronger than, "Shoot"
quoth the kernel, unable to mount root

my fingers dance, ciphers entered
I'm in like flynn and down like bender
meanwhile this server just won't boot
quoth the kernel, unable to mount root

I have a look see, and what do I find?
a botched migration, well yes I do mind 
you have to check your hardware first you ignorant kook
quoth the kernel, unable to mount root

Put it all back, is all I reply,
before slamming my leash down onto my thigh
no problem was fixed, but now it's all moot
quoth the kernel, unable to mount root

posted at: 2008 Apr 04 10:36 UTC | category: tech | (story link)

Copyright © 2006-2008 Zach White